I had the chance to explore a number of servers in multiplayer this week. I was impressed with the number of great builds I was seeing and the hard work that went into a lot of these worlds.
I also got to see the darker side of things. Most of the server admins I ran into were great and helpful and others, well they were just jerks. This is bound to happen as some people just want to to be that way. It is their server to run as they see fit.
I do not build in multiplayer. Why ? We do not even have water or all of the biomes yet. The world is going to change over and over for the foreseeable future. I save all of my building for my own private single player world where I can create anything with the creative mode. I noticed most of the servers have creative mode and terraforming turned off. So be it. At this point in time I consider all data temporary as Rising world is going to go through massive changes and most people are going to have to start over anyway. This should all be considered as a preview to the real thing later this year or next. Rising world's development is a low and slow process. It will take a while before everything is done. The good thing about this is that it is more stable that way.
I also noticed a lot of the servers have blueprints turned off. That really is a shame.
Anyhow for now, I treat multiplayer as a place to visit, not a place to build a dream place only to have it disappear because a server operator gets bored or does not want to bother with it anymore. In multiplayer you have only the control an admin chooses to give you and you only have access as long as the server stays up. If you want to build that dream world, I prefer my own private world where I have total control of what happens.
I do think some of the bigger multi player worlds are great and I really enjoy visiting them.