Kitsu Test World & [Water Update] Niska Village

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  • Arizona is beautiful. I want to go out there and spend a few nights in the desert. I almost made it last year on Christmas break but had to turn around from a really bad storm that hit unexpectedly. It also didn't help that I left for vacation the morning after the Biomes update ;-p I guess there was more than one reason that made me turn around.

    I'm sure with as much quality that goes into these updates, we're still gonna have a week of debugging and patching following the update. It never fails ;-p

  • yup! Arizona is beautiful when you can see it properly. I love it that I'd be amused if Rising World would use what I shared on the steam forum suggested subforum for the sub-biomes. The nice hedges & desert grass to give 'some' cover.

    Oh? Storms are indeed unexpected, or coincidentally wanted you to play the biomes update. nice.

    Yup! I'm now trying to guess what the 'floating ore' of this dungeon update shall be. Water update had spawn chunk loaded only, nothing further. It has me curious.

  • hah! now I wonder. The worst I saw in the water update is the occasional water pond above or next to a cave opening so it looked like essentailly a floating water block. Nothing too serious however. The biome update with the mis-aligned chunks was probably the worst glitch. Ateast with the floating ores (never verified this because I bought the game right after the ore update hit) from what I understand disappeared in existing worlds after a patch.

    My understanding is dungeons might spawn in existing chunks (underground only). So at worst, you may get a broken dungeon if you build in an area where a dungeon would normally spawn. II guess that dungeons will not modify or overwrite an existing chunk. So sounds like we should be ok as far as terrain and building goes but I'm guessing that at worse, Vortac's fallout shelter on the beach might get an unexpected expansion. He can invite guests over for his Christmas at Ground Zero party and show guests the new torture chamber expansion he got for Christmas!!! XD

    I hope Red understands we aren't laughing at him by discussing bugs but laughing with him because the bugs actually what makes early access so much fun. Well, that and the opportunity to watch the game grow.

  • I guess that's just a by-product of how we struggled to move from where we spawned. Everything was untouchable within, yet fine when you left that chunk.It was very funky. But yeah, nothing too serious. Used to seeing water oddities from Minecraft that it's natural to see it in Rising World.

    Yeah, that sounds awesome. wouldn't mind dungeons spawning wherever. I'd even go hunting for them in newer chunks. I'd be amused if Vortac's fallout shalter gained a neighbor.

    And yes, I poked fun with his slip-up of accidentally not allowing cotton & hemp from growing in survival mode. Laughing with him, not against him :)


    - Rising World - 100 Subscribters YouTube Monument:

    Just a quick video sharing my views that more videos to come. Showing off my new 'WIP' monument as it ends up being polished, added onto, among other things, over time. Shall share blueprint when I feel it's at a basic sharable point. Thanks for following me, and hope you enjoy the content! More to come as I try to test things in Niska village, even waiting to found Arcticu Empire when game is considered 'complete'. Hope to see my 'Vara' as an foxy NPC assisting me with tasks.

    Also, special thanks to both Zork & Vortac for being 99 & 100 subs. They spawned that monument that shall expand with time.

  • It's a good thing I showed off how to use your wooden 'Z" as a table then. More of a stand to elevate it, yet if you want wheels you can pretend it has wheels heh. Now we'd need some sushi or Chinese dim sum to place on your 'Z' to further personalize it to you heh. I guess sushi for me, dim sum for you. That be awesome once we get down to cooking. :whistling:

  • - Rising World - Niska Village [0.7.4] - Episode 10: Merry Christmas!:

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Finally decided to get around to hunting down the necessary tree to finally find out what the Christmas tree appears as, and if it would fit in my home. It's apparently a Japanese or European sized tree to fit in a home. Quite neat. Was expecting variety though. Also had some issues with rendering my videos so you may see some slight bubbly transitions. Something happened, and I don't know what.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! And enjoy the festivities!


    Also, at Zork: Yeah, sushi is my main 'go to' for snacking. Love spoiling myself with salmon related sushi. Hoping to see some form of that in the game.

  • - Dungeons [0.8] -

    No videos, but I did Twitch stream all this that it was an insane ride from beginning to end. I love the new warm appearing torches, the new weather (rain, thunder, and fog), as well as finding an abundance in shacks. It was insane seeking how many there were, and how far they go. It's just non-stop shacks. I gained music discs, bear pelt, and more compasses......A lovely place to be. I beleive that with all the shacks spawning that it blocks out dungeons (or dungeons wasn't coded) having shacks spawn at every inch of the map.

    I love the granophone also. Love the music collection one can have going, yet feel the storage chests needs more variety of vases, decorations, food, among other things. Fish, anything. It needs more 'junk' in it.

    I love the boar, yet feel they need to be made more passive in Enderman fashion that they shall provoke only if you linger too long. That, and I also died thanks to an odd slip on a mountain. I died somehow and would love a way for the compass to lead me back to my death point by reading out where the last cross was left at. With how big the map is you do need a compass way to be lead back. Not a label marker, but a compass.

    I absolutely love the weather that it impresses me the most! I love the thunder and rain, as well as the fog. The nice overcast, yet feel it needs to be lengthened and delayed more. It should last longer in sunny, overcast, and such...Not instant one to the next........It should last for quite a bit longer.

    It's an awesome update, just needs that necessary bug-patch fix. No dungeons, the irony, yet lots of shacks. I also found a shack in a lake when Twitch streaming. :whistling:

    (NOTE!: 3rd image is of how disorenting fog is on water. #5 is of a bear rug without killing a bear. #8 is of heavy fog that it's awesome & you become disoriented in. #9 is of a shack found in a lake underwater. Crazy stuff.)


    No Youtube video because of how busy New Years tends to be. I may post one, yet no interest for my videos it seems. I don't really feel like it if people aren't into it.

  • - Pitch Black Night: (

    This was caused by heavy fog that it just blocked every bit of light, something I'll be needing to replicate for a video in a few once I can nudge my videos up to 40 views, or so.

  • Then turn off them lights :)


    - Niska Village: Logging Cabin + Pub Build:

    This next batch of images being from the same session as the above, yet split because of how many images I've taken. Been a fun build trying to get a logging storage building built in the style of a loggers cabin + having it focus on log storage. Was being highly annoyed at the thought of not having a dedicated structure to contain (hold) my cut logs.

    Secondly, once that was built, I desired rebuilding a gathering area (loosely named 'pub') to allow a place to idle. Basically a place to eventually gather food, to drink, to listen to extra sets of gramophone record music, as well as to deal with NPCs in the future. I'm hoping I'll be able to customize NPCs & such to my heart's desire to eventually allow them to vendor food, water, among other things so they don't idle rotting in storage crates. I'd love for them to handle food.

    I also tried to further experiment with the 'Niska Pub' by trying out a new door style, loving it from all points of views. Even considering adding a second layer to the structure to contain sleeping areas, yet shall only do that once I'm aware of having NPCs in a more 'survival' behavior. If a wandering NPC merchant travels to through the world then I would love them to gather at my pub. I basically created that 'Niska Pub' to hold the piano, the extra sets of music discs, and to future proof it a bit to hold NPCs and to allow for the 'Cooking Update' to have fun with it.

    (Last image is of a piglet I spawned back as a 'prank' present for my friend when the little piglet was introduced in an update. He only now just saw it thanks to this dungeons update adding in adventure type stuff.)

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