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  • Hello, I'm Rohana, I'm 40, and I started to play two days ago. After some tinkering, I settled in a caveless world (yeah, those cave give me the creeps they're far too steep for me, I'm getting dizzy from just looking down). I've got some troubles with the game crashing without notice, so I'm currently installing the latest drivers for my computer and graphic card. If it doesn't improve things, I'll come here and cry for help :D

    So, my first impressions are globally good : the game is interesting, I like the atmosphere, even if I find it a little slow, maybe this is what I need now, after playing more dynamic games. The images are beautiful, maybe there is still too much discrepancy between the realistic photoeffect, and the stiffness of some animations.

    The building system seems very complete, and likely to be improved in a lot of ways, there is room for more, and better, and that's a really good thing for me. Here is my first attempt at a cavehouse (yeah, we start as cavemen, so I decided to really live in one, but I dug it up myself in a hill.)

    I'm gonna find my way to the "suggestions" forum, and snoop around, so I won't post the same pieces of advise than any other member. Oh, and by the way : Ich verstehe, und rede Deutsch, and je parle français aussi. :)

  • Glad you're enjoying your game! I started playing just last Friday with it being awesome. I also get spooked by mining & being alone in the world that i need a buddy with me. People who laugh at us/me (if they even do) just don't understand how being along or in those tunnels actually spook you, thus me harassing Red51 also for NPC comrades :P. I also make my tunnel & mineshaft, yet that also gets spooky the more enlarged it gets.

    The 'stiffness' comes from the game still being an 'early access', plus everything still needing time to be improved. The textures on blocks do clash, yet hoping those shall get polished as time goes on to coexist with the other types. Red51 had loose plans to touch them up, to make them have 'bumpiness', and such. There's obviously lots more work to be done that we're even waiting for the water update to come along to invite other water related biomes.......

    Loving your home in the hill. It's very homely & neat, something I could have done. I just dig & build outside in the open :P Nice stuff! Love your cave-house.

  • It reminds me of a hobbit house which I've actually been wanting to build for a while. :)

    Building Bag's End has always been a fantasy of mine, I've tested multiple games to find which one would be adapted. I've had some results with the Rift dimension system, but Rising World seems to have more potential. I saw this one hobbit hole on a screenshot of RW, before I bought the game... (I guess it influenced my decision positively! :D)

    See for yourself :

    but actually, my inspiration for this particular cavehouse (which I hope is only a start to what could become a town) was this picture : (neeeeeeeed the lakes and water pools! ^^)

  • OFF TOPIC: For some reason I always see this on screenshots on the forums: RED HUNGER & THIRST LEVELS!!!, I personally love to keep my hunger levels bright green! I have more than enough food, like 5 stacks of lettuce and 3 stacks of tomatoes, also i have strawberries, potatoes, and carrots, all in just 5 hours of playing my map!

  • Working on village project.Several of those structures,different from each other, wooden walkways with torches that lead to each one.All those,inside the walls of a very deep cave.light doesnt work below Y=0 though,even If its just the sky on top.No ceiling.I mentioned that to one of my threads and Red responded by saying he will look into this issue.Will continue when thats fixed.

  • Lighting is one of the systems needing rework in Rising Wold.For example, torches do not cast light on plants in underground farms. The plants still grow but you can only see them under naturaL dayight. But àl the torches I have placed almost down to hell have lit up cave walls just fine. Do you have any pictures of the problem you could post?

  • haha.Yeah. I dont really worry about some bugs.Not too annoying.We know they will be fixed someday.This one is a BIG one though.Tried to lower the terrain to build some tall towers once I can use the 50 chunk detail distance and that was a bummer.

  • There is a video from a year ago of someone building the great pyramids to scale. It was so large that draw distance and build height became issues.we need to be able to make world edits on a massivescale. Possibly move the ground limit much lower. I think I'm Minecraft you can now set the ground d height(to within a few blocks from bedheight which gives you more vertical building room. Of course, that means eventually the lighting has to be adjusted so there is no more "dark zone" below zero.

  • Oh,didnt know that.Still though,highest structure would be almost 256 blocks.Someone made a concept mod of "Tall worlds mod" but had issues with light calculation and rendering distance.Could crush even PCs with $2000 video cards.I do believe that 1200 block world divided by 2 which is 600 minecraft blocks is quite satisfactory.Maybe 2400 blocks will be a dream,maybe possible.This was the main feature I liked about blockscape.You can build Veryyy high.

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