Rising World is one of the best games I have EVER played

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Before when playing Minecraft and all, I got so bored with the repetitive blocks and stuff! i searched and searched for a new game that would be fun to play, until I found RISING WORLD! when I saw the trailer on Steam, i absolutely loved the game and instantly bought it. when playing the game, I simply couldnt stop playing for hours and hours straight, what seemed like minuetes passed into hours and eventually i had 9 hours in my Rising World page on my Steam profile. RISING WORLD IS THE BEST, simply amazing game, i can not thank the creators enough. Rising World has met and exceeded my expectations. and whats even better is THE GAME IS STILL IN ALPHA, and yet the game is probably 200 times better than the 99% of games in official release. Rising World has simply blown me away, the quality and cheapness of the game is simply amazing. I dont know how the person looks like or if its an old dude or a young teen, I would like to personally thank the creator of this game, because it is simply so flawless. Everyday I come home from school rising world always cheers me up! the game is so addiciting and good!!! its sooo much better than Minecraft, my previously thought to-be best game. Now the question is: why is the Rising World community so small? this game should have hundreds of millions of players, but it barely has any wiki pages (and most of the ones that are up on there are very short and not descriptive), and both the forums, wiki, and steam pages are so tiny! But on the other hand lets keep the community tight-knit! what happened is when Minecraft was in Alpha itself, it was soo much better than the now official release because the community was so much smaller and there werent 12 yr olds shouting in mics and there werent multi-million dollar youtubers before! I HONESTLY HOPE THIS NEVER HAPPENS TO RISING WORLD! dont the multi-million youtubers take over your game!

  • I was waiting for you to take a negative jab at Minecraft. You have to keep in mind that Minecraft still is awesome with how I had nice moments in it. The best part of it was 'SMP' where you could play with other people. That, and mods. I played so much of it that I can still defend it, yet have to blame Mojang for all the stupidity. Them, and Yogscasts for all the brainless kids. Look for 'Feed The Beast' then play some technical modpack. I'm not going to shit on Minecraft, but I will shit on Mojang for being egoistic tardy idiots whom don't listen to the community anymore. They do as they please on a whim. Red51 on the other hand does what`s right & takes actual notes of what`s right & wrong. He is wise enough to see where to take this game.

    Rising World is naturally better because Red51 knows where Minecraft failed while adding in actually worthwhile and detailed features. It`s Minecraft meets Skyrim basically. It borders close to a simulation depending on how fleshed out the idea is. Basically the smelter, the lights, the crafting of lights & similar. Rising World, from the looks of it shall be similar to Euro Truck Simulator 2 with how it'll be a slightly arcade feeling yet closer to a 'realistic' simulation of us surviving & having to deal with the elements. All those various block types, food types, double-chests with twice more the storage space compared to Minecraft, the various lights, smelter, poster feature, & animal types. It's only going to get better an more detailed. Even the common sense of having apples & lemons growing on trees, not dropped from them.

    (All the 'bonus points' here - http://steamcommunity.com/app/…ons/0/405691491122488252/)

    I love the features in here already and how everything feels. There's lots of things I'm still waiting for (more biomes & water) that'll make it appear awesome. Waiting to pop out of my Niska Village to go ocean-side to see more scenery. Wanting horses so I can explore vast distances quickly & to bring back resources. There's lots all of us, including Red51, wants to interact with.

    (I also see my avatar was reset forum side. I have to find a new one.....)

  • Thats all true.The customer service "existence" in RW cannot be compared with the minecraft one.Back in the days,whenever I sent a message to Mojang,nobody responded.Regarding their updates,every 3 months,they were throwing a flower or an extra block.
    Thats the great difference between big corporations and small ones.Like walmart and your local neighborhood store.At the end of the day,I personally found what I was looking for.Rising World it is!!! :thumbsup:

  • Thats all true.The customer service "existence" in RW cannot be compared with the minecraft one.Back in the days,whenever I sent a message to Mojang,nobody responded.Regarding their updates,every 3 months,they were throwing a flower or an extra block.
    Thats the great difference between big corporations and small ones.Like walmart and your local neighborhood store.At the end of the day,I personally found what I was looking for.Rising World it is!!! :thumbsup:

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • I didnt even know you have a forum, I have posting in Steam, this game rocks. Cant wait for water and fishing, oh boy, I feel like an old man in a Florida vacation home, LOL

    Seek and ye shall find. The Master

  • Kinda shot myself in the foot on Steam yesterday thanks to my brutal fever. The worst one yet, and the third one in the row. Seems to be getting worse & worse every few months in spacing. Even so, people keep knocking on Minecraft that I find them appearing as little kids and I still stand by what I said, even if I poorly timed it from misreading 'Princess Goddammit's' water posting. Misread something as a feature also in Minecraft (breathing underwater) that I just snapped at her. I believe she was being high-and-mighty herself so feeling is mostly mutual on the 'rude' & 'obnoxious' part.

    I guess I am obnoxious & rude so I think I might as well just time myself out until we get a teaser for the water update mid-March, then the actual water update sometimes around April, or latest in May. I was also wrong on that yesterday.

    I feel so horrible on many things, yet I find irony in the 'rude' & 'obnoxious' part fitting other people also. Just wanted to correct myself....Friend also upped a Minecraft Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved modpack that I'm still able to have loads of fun. Ya, Rising World is indeed fun, yet we still have to wait a very long time for it to mature to gain all the necessary long-term features and such. Building stuff only gets you so far. Again, it simply sounds like people sounding like kids trying to praise Rising World when knocking Minecraft in the same sentence, or similar. You love Rising World, that's all that matters. You sound more youthful otherwise. And again, I'm rude :huh:

    Alright, see ya when we get the water teaser update. Behave yourselves :) Time to knock out this severe fever going around my area also.......

  • I feel that I myself am rough around the edges and come off as an asshole sometimes. I can spend an hour trying to find the right words for a one-paragraph post because usually after I submit, I can find something I wrote that could be taken the wrong way. I can get pretty paranoid after writing a quick reply on this forum (and others that I like) and worry that I might have said something offensive. I did that just yesterday and I haven't gotten a response so now I'm worrying. Also, there's someone on this forum who came off as a total asshole to me a few months ago but I checked more of his posts before and after and he seemed to be an ok guy afterall. Finally, I'm sure I gave you one or two bad impressions the first time you and I interacted in this forum. I totally don't blame you either.

    I'd like to think that we all can be rude or obnoxious at times. But what matters is to not judge a person's entire character based on one post. Getting to know someone over time gives one a better idea of the person's character. We all have our off days. Don't sweat it too much. You are a valuable member of this community :)

  • I was looking into getting this game, it is my sort of thing but the trouble is no enemies in it, it's far to relaxed for my liking. I don't know everything about the game but I know animals are in there but don't move around. It could do with some enemies in the game for SP. I might buy it in the future when/if they implement something. You mentioned MineCraft in this thread, it looks abit like that but they've missed a trick because as far as I know in this game you can't do half of the things you can in MineCraft. I'm still waiting for a game to come along that takes MineCraft on but with improved graphics, I thought this might have been it but who knows maybe in the future.

  • I was looking into getting this game, it is my sort of thing but the trouble is no enemies in it, it's far to relaxed for my liking. I don't know everything about the game but I know animals are in there but don't move around. It could do with some enemies in the game for SP. I might buy it in the future when/if they implement something. You mentioned MineCraft in this thread, it looks abit like that but they've missed a trick because as far as I know in this game you can't do half of the things you can in MineCraft. I'm still waiting for a game to come along that takes MineCraft on but with improved graphics, I thought this might have been it but who knows maybe in the future.

    In all fairness, a lot of people compare Rising World to Minecraft because of some similarities (e.g. grab pickaxe, mine, place torches, smelt ores, make better tools, start a farm). Minecraft has been around for a long time and Rising World and many others are certainly inspired by it. I understand the game is a bit too relaxing at this point for some people's taste. Perhaps look into it again once dungeons are implemented. I believe that dungeon monsters are planned along with it. If monsters do not end up roaming the lands then atleast when development furthers to the point where we can start making modpacks, then I'm sure you'll see lots of mods to suit your pesronal tastes. Unfortunately for now its still a bit early still, considering that the current API and even LUA scripting is being discarded in place for something else. At this point, modding is not feasible until the API is finalized.

  • In all fairness, a lot of people compare Rising World to Minecraft because of some similarities (e.g. grab pickaxe, mine, place torches, smelt ores, make better tools, start a farm). Minecraft has been around for a long time and Rising World and many others are certainly inspired by it. I understand the game is a bit too relaxing at this point for some people's taste. Perhaps look into it again once dungeons are implemented. I believe that dungeon monsters are planned along with it. If monsters do not end up roaming the lands then at least when development furthers to the point where we can start making modpacks, then I'm sure you'll see lots of mods to suit your pesronal tastes. Unfortunately for now its still a bit early still, considering that the current API and even LUA scripting is being discarded in place for something else. At this point, modding is not feasible until the API is finalized.

    This. Foxfire speaks wise words.

    I wanted to add that danny844 is looking in the wrong areas to see where Rising World fails to surpass Minecraft because I'm seeing the opposite. I'm seeing Rising World currently doing things that already surpasses Minecraft in both the small and big things. Look at the posters themselves, those are a major improvement over Minecraft with default paintings. The block placements are also a major improvement, as with the varieties. Same with the 'manhole cover' feature which actually blends with the terrain, unlike "traps door". It makes things more streamline. Farming is also majorly improved that it makes vanilla Minecraft farming look overly simple. There's just so much to note that I even made a Steam thread on it, yet that got lost in the numerous pages.

    As Rising World grows, as shall these comparisons that it shall even naturally surpass Minecraft easily. It's already doing that with each update. Danny844 is just not looking in the right places. Even take a peak at the "features Page" to show why I'm also making this post :)

    There is however one thing that both me and Danny844 can agree on: Roaming monsters. People fear monsters so much that they're unintentionally also hurting Rising World in the process. They dislike the idea of using hostile entity weaknesses against them that they rather hide in a harmful bubble that harms other players in the process. Roaming hostile entities is what makes MInecraft tick, and what should also make Rising World tick also. The monsters alone give you a reason to build those crazy creations, then going way beyond to colonize, conquer, and make the land all yours. Once you know all the little secrets to keeping hostile monsters at bay you'd feel like you're playing in peaceful & creative mode.

    Minecraft is still awesome, yet Rising World is now this decade's top game. Everytime I play Minecraft (even FTB) I just want to play Rising World for how detailed & more fun it is. It does things that Minecraft still fears.

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