I came up with a game.
If you're interested, download and then share it continue.
It is important not to be modern.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y51xysh0x4q0fo0/city of caves.rar?dl=0

I came up with a game.
Cool! I'll have to check this out when I'm at home. My work laptop barely runs Rising World with the distances turned all the way down! ;-p
Hi Endre,
I spawned in the middle of a field near a snowy biome. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do from here. There are no paths to follow and no construction within view. I noticed quite a few db files so i'm guessing the modifications are quite extensive. Please advise.
Hi Endre,
I spawned in the middle of a field near a snowy biome. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do from here. There are no paths to follow and no construction within view. I noticed quite a few db files so i'm guessing the modifications are quite extensive. Please advise.
same for me when i tried!!!???
I started a world. I was hoping you'll be there when you boot.
Chiefs of you can resolve that there should be where?
Hi Endre,
Perhaps you mean to start a multiplayer server. Do you have a place to host? If not I can throw this on my server and share it out.
just post the koords - F3 in the first line
everyone who wants to visit just type into the console: goto koords
I pulled useful coordinates from the database. try teleporting to -1533 65 -929
I'll explore more when I get home but the screenshots looks really cool.
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