Renting a server

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  • Hello All,

    Any one have any suggestion on renting a server? I have tried two companies, Nitrado which is okay but their tech support takes several days to answer and by then the problem has sorted it self out. and GTX Gaming which the servers have low ping tech support answers fast but they don't seem to know what is going on... Please advise.



  • I used nitrado for a while and it worked well but i eventually went over to linode so i could consolidate various needs such as webhosting and running a game server with a dual core cpu which is something nitrado did not offer. This was necessary to run a 7 days to die server because the server software is not very efficient. this was back in Alpha 13. I don't know if Alpha 14 is any better server side.

  • I found a company in Europe that seems to be okay so far. I was worried about the high ping but once you are on the server you do not even notice, it most of the times.


  • I found a company in Europe that seems to be okay so far. I was worried about the high ping but once you are on the server you do not even notice, it most of the times.

    What is your ping time? Mine is in the 50s but the freaks r us server is half that and on both servers, i run into the issue where the furnace wont let me reload after another player unloads it. Its like there is a severe delay in event updates. Re-logging usually solves the problem for me.

  • on both servers, i run into the issue where the furnace wont let me reload after another player unloads it. Its like there is a severe delay in event updates. Re-logging usually solves the problem for me.

    not related to ping.

    answered here

    You mean that a "ghost" item remains in the smelter, which prevents you from loading it? This is unfortunately a bug in multiplayer (it does only occur in mp), it will be fixed in the near future

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