Some suggestions for the game

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  • I agree I just noted too as in reference "half block" I think that's currently unstackable IMO annoying at least what I remember never rotate vertical, so the units are in full 1:1 ratios for blocks currently so that's why I didn't bother confusing some reading this conversation. That we could get by with only three blocks (if we could stack the current "half-block" and new blocks stack that way as well) but yes it would require six now to have a complete set without reprogramming.

    Red is aware of the issue where you can't place two ramp blocks next to each other nor stack up half-blocks because they are still blocks and therefor cannot occupy the same block space. He's working on correcting this and also introducing scale-able blocks. I'm presuming this will all come out with the advanced crafting update and will likely involve converting blocks to scale-able and freely rotatable objects which will be free from the block grid limitations.

  • Red is aware of the issue where you can't place two ramp blocks next to each other nor stack up half-blocks because they are still blocks and therefor cannot occupy the same block space. He's working on correcting this and also introducing scale-able blocks. I'm presuming this will all come out with the advanced crafting update and will likely involve converting blocks to scale-able and freely rotatable objects which will be free from the block grid limitations.

    If that is the case perhaps some of this conversation is not relevant if stone blocks end up like beams / planks.
    I dislike you can't view planks / beams fully as you place them, and the fact they go through solid walls and flicker.

  • My theory of blocks being converted into construction objects is unconfirmed. All i know is that Red said that blocks will be scalable in the future. I presume that this will be implemented by turning a block into a construction object upon a scaling attempt. If this does turn out to be the case then its going to take block building to the next level and put it a step beyond that in Blockscape where blocks are still limited to be built on a grid unlike the construction objects in Rising World.

    Regarding the preview of beams and planks. Yes, i think the beams and planks should use the white outlines used with blocks which make it very clear to see what you are doing. I also have some issues getting the planks to snap when I'm doing something complex. But then again, I'm still a n00b at the construction system.

  • zfoxfire, I don't think it's a noob issue if you can't see the full plank/beam as you place it. I try to even walk far away and hold my beam far out in front of me seems like it's fine then it ends up going through the touching wall or not snapping to an angle or onto another beam which should have the same angle. If the block construction ever became similar I think it upset a lot of people as it is now I can clearly see stone blocks outlined before I place them and I have the same size every-time and aligning everything is never any issue. If he just wanted to have blocks to behave like current beam / planks he could. In fact, I wouldn't mind that as an option (beam/plank) to flip through textures of stone as well as wood. But I still like to maintain simplistic of block placing and everything lining up all the time. However we probably got this entire suggestion discussion of adding blocks off track lol. My proposal is still just to add those two blocks or six blocks (if he choose add intersecting blocks with same angle). I think it would add an immediate boost in design options to the builders.

  • If all blocks are scalable will a wonder to the construction, can be designed as if it were CAD 3D but with the ease of the blocks, but bear encuenta that the blocks are connected with varying forms, so that does not happen as in Blockscape . I think if the two games would join would be the best game constrccion of histora, there are games that has many characteristics such as SIMS than this very well structured, but limited to what you game has without freedom to build as you want I told Rising World and Blockscape are the best games of construction that there at this time.

  • If all blocks are scalable will a wonder to the construction, can be designed as if it were CAD 3D but with the ease of the blocks, but bear encuenta that the blocks are connected with varying forms, so that does not happen as in Blockscape . I think if the two games would join would be the best game constrccion of histora, there are games that has many characteristics such as SIMS than this very well structured, but limited to what you game has without freedom to build as you want I told Rising World and Blockscape are the best games of construction that there at this time.

    Yes exactly. I suspect a block can become a construction object, so like you can in a CAD program, simply build whatever you want by snapping together small blocks. Blockscape fixed one problem with Minecraft and that is that all the blocks are the same size. The problem with Blockscape is that you are still restricted to a global grid. Everything is build of blocks. You can only rotate blocks at 90 degre angles. Rising World has a terrain that can be freely modified and a block grid which is optional. You can easily play Rising World without ever having to touch the block bench. So the uniqueness of Rising World is that you build out of construction objects (beams and planks) Now If blocks get converted into construction objects (As I suspect they will be ) and are scalable (which is confirmed they will be) then you will be able to do all the construction you can in Blockscape but you will not be limited to the rotational limits of 90 degrees. I have a lot of suspicions of what Red has planned with this new construction system. He's being quite about it I guess for good reasons but I suspect that when it hits, you'll never want to touch Blockscape again!

    My complaint about the current construction system is that the currnet keyboard controls are cumbersone and confusing I can press keys but there is no indication on the screen of what mode I am in. Rising World should have the baasic object manipulation tools like in 3dStudioMax. There should be a popup toolbox when I create an object. I should be able to type in precise values for length width and height. then snap it to another object or the grid. The toolbox should let you choose between modes such as sliding, scaling, or rotating. There should be snap modes (I think we currently have this but like I said, visual feedback on the screen is very important) There should be a grid with rulers(maybe the grid can be in relation to the nearest block level). If I want to build a house frame out of wood beams then I want to set the parameters, e.g. in America a standard wood beam measures 2"x4"x8' . Not sure what the standard beam measurement in the EU countries is but I'd be happy to convert because I appreciate the metric system. I think in the game, a block is .5m ^3 ?

    The other issue I have with the Rising World construction system is that all I know about the size of a previously placed beam is how many times I increased or decreased on a particular axis and on what scale. Thats ambiguous and hard to remember. I should be able to take a measuring tool and point to a previously placed beam and see what the attributes are. I already suggested a copy tool to Red which he is going to implement into the new construction system. This will allow you to look at any previously placed beam or plank and make the next one just like it. This wont be hard to implement since the construction system already remmebers the attributes of the last object you crafted. This will make construction easier but a measuring tool would still be needed so I can take a look at that existing object incase the next object I make will be close but I only need to modify the thickenes in one side.

  • One of the biggest problem that has Blockscape is the way to save the game, it does in a file and la construcion is far gone begins to give problems when the construcion is quite large, the file mode Rising World is the same as the Minecraft that does it for regions with which the game loads la region where you are located.

    Another idea that would be good is the mix of textures when you are at mode field for give more realismbecause when the same texture that is worn is a bit weird in the World edit Minecraft had the posibility of blending texture and was very good.

  • Ouch! Yeah, a single file sounds like a bad system if you are in an endless world generating. The world is generated off the spawn but its the modifications you have to modify. In Minecraft, each chunk file contains info of all 65,000 blocks in that chunk. I guess that since everying is a block in that game that changes just edit the chunk file directly.

    in Rising World, the world is stored into sql databases. One database for each region. A region contains 64 chunks I think. The database contains tables for each chunk and there are multiple tables for each chunk. There's a table for terrain generation (from original seed), objects added to the terrain, possibly terrain modification, blocks that are placed, and what i think is some compatability information to accomodate the changes when huge terrain changing updates come out. I don't completely understand it but it shows that it was very well thought out.

    The blockscape file thing makes me cringe. I really hope you are just giving me old information. I'm strongly tempted to buy Blockscape on the next Steam sale. I can't justify spending $20 on a game thats I can see falling behind Rising World and into oblivion later this year. Rising World also costs less and I think should be selling for double once it is closer to an official release.

  • Both are very good games hope that when this in full developed will be working on both. Already Minecraft nor look.

    So is there any timeline for release for Blockscape? Any idea when character models will be introduced? I ask because a release time has already kinda been ballparked here. I think early next year should be beta. I presume that since the code for Blockscape has essentially been rewritten during that "quiet year" that Blockscape should also be close to beta, assuming no serious underlying code remains to be fixed.

  • Is already in beta mode but is unstable now there are two game mode and another one realistic form of closest thing to Minecraft block. If it enters official website vera all improvements such as land and water snakes, wasps improved biomes new blocks etc already is close we will see another version brings improvements.

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