Looking For: Updated Texturepack Info 0.7 Alpha

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The current forum posts regarding on how to go about creating your own texturepacks have been outdated for quite a while now, so I think a post with more up to date information would greatly aid aspiring texture modders. Personally I would like to know if it's possible at this time to create textures for wood planks + beams; I have seen some players using modded textures on a blueprint video or two, but to my knowledge there is no actual guide to doing this (unless there's someplace I'm not looking?)

    This game is still very early in development and I know even texture mods are very experimental at this point, but it's something I would really like to try my hands at :)

    I am not sure how much been has changed with the water update, so any information regarding that would be greatly appreciated. (I have not been successful in having any texturemaps show up in my games so I'm curious to know if the .dds switch has been implemented yet)

    Thanks for reading!

  • Also, I'd be curious to know if anyone has managed to successfully get a texturepack to work since the water update? I have been trying to just run simple tests to get a texture to appear through a custom texturepack and have tried overwriting the 'blank space' textures, but both methods have resulted in just simply not appearing or crashing the game (all files I've used are in the .dds format)

    I hope someone has been/will be able to figure out how to get custom textures to work post water update!

  • I agree with you @CitruShark A couple things that could really be used in this section are pinned folders one for textures, one for mods and alternatively for other languages as well. We can dig through these so-called mods and textures but everything in here has either broken links or it's all outdated information. In other words it's a disaster and you can't find anything you're looking for in here anymore.

  • I think that nothing has changed with the texturepacks.
    Here's my example. I made the texture before longer time, but it still works.

    Be aware that you have a folder named "Texturepacks", and call the file "Mytexturepack" for example
    and compress it in a zip-file. Without compression it does not work. DDS-format is clear.
    For woodplanks and textures you need 2 sizes 256x256 and 512x512.

  • I think that nothing has changed with the texturepacks.
    Here's my example. I made the texture before longer time, but it still works.

    Be aware that you have a folder named "Texturepacks", and call the file "Mytexturepack" for example
    and compress it in a zip-file. Without compression it does not work. DDS-format is clear.
    For wood planks and textures you need 2 sizes 256x256 and 512x512.

    @Deirdre I'm not going to argue if your texture pack works or not if it does good. However take a few minutes and go through this "pinned: texture folder" and let me know how many links actually work for downloading resourcepacks. Not a single one they all give you error code 404: Page not Found. I've even asked someone previously for a link to try their resourcepack and yet again 404: Page not found. Maybe the URL's are foreign links that do not work in the US, I don't know.

    Here's what I suggest about this section of the forums.
    1) Mark your thread starting with the name of your resourcepack/ texture pack (version number) and tag it as a resource pack or texture pack.
    2) Any question one might have about texture packs and how to make them make a couple more pinned folders in this one for those discussions.

    As you dig around through this folder at the moment you will find maybe 2-4 actual texture packs. The rest is all yadda yadda. Sorry if I sound blunt but I prefer just to cut straight through and say it like it is. If this offends some people I'm sorry but I hate beating around the bush when we could tackle things head on.

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