A few suggestions

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  • I have 3 little but maybe special questions today.

    1. Would it be possible to add two different blueprints?
    One that copies the terrain and one that copies the terrain and the buildings?
    Or a options, when you about to save a blueprint.
    For example:

    2. Would it be possible to add that all sorts of blocks can be scaled and rotated like the beams and planks?
    For example, when I want to place a house of normal blocks with a bluebrint. Sometimes I want to rotate the building.

    and last but not least
    3. Is it possible to add a mineelevator?A rough sketch is attached

  • I could totally get behind terrain blueprinting.

    Scalable blocks are coming. I presume that will involve blocks becoming construction objects so they will be free to rotate. This would effectively eliminate current blueprint restrictions.

    A rail system is in the works but will probably not arrive till december or later. I can totaly see an elevator being added. But to my knowledge, only the types that carry trains or minecarts are being planned.

  • Yeah, I am sure everyone wants a check box (on/off) during blueprint saving to save Terrain or Not.

    I am waiting for a lot on blueprinting Rotate at 90 degrees, area protection, mirror, undo

    But that's a year ago so don't hold your breath <X

    I really want area protection & rotation the most because most servers don't let or want you to use blueprints because you can paste over top of things.

    As far as elevators they will likely be some kind of elevator in the game don't know about a train elevator but surely he has heard us about elevators (ancient wood or modern style) already.

  • Yeah conveyor belts.
    I also am waiting for vertical doors, I need some gates for my castles and others want them for garage doors. Yeah, I pretty much did an essay of my suggestions all into one. I love this game looks like I hate it from my "Past Suggestions" lol.

  • It's very important to me, if we can copie the terrain, because I want to build some statues.

    And I'm looking forward to it, if we can rotate blocks.^^

    You probably also want rotation as well as that check mark, so you can rotate those statues aka terrain sculptures. I think everyone agrees there should be a check box there. I imagine Red didn't save terrain by default, from what I heard the original land voxels is generated by seed. So if that is the case that would save a lot of storage space. If using a seed, since 99% of all the land clusters will never be touched by a players hand ever. But yes it's frustrating to a lot of us even if I build something I have to build on flat and flatten it because else when I paste the blueprint my house will have a hill in the center of it. Having that as a save option as you mentioned where terrain or air can be inserted as you paste would be helpful clearing out terrain and replacing it with stuff from your blueprint. Because also right now no one can save Gardens, or any vegetation you plant in dirt if dirt is your building. I have a build projects I built up huge land masses that I currently couldn't reproduce even using a blueprint.

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