RW Sharing Network

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Sorry if i posted this in the wrong area. Moderators and red51 are welcome to move this topic without notice.

    Hey all, as i said before in another post, i was working on a blueprint sharing website and i have kinda done just that.
    I hope the name is ok and not violating any copyright stuff.
    Now its still kinda in testings but you all can right now upload a blueprint and a picture of that bp. There is also a commenting system i wrote myself where others logged in can comment.
    Login is through steam so no need to worry about passwords, only data i fetch from your steam is your steamID, avatar pic and your steam name which is all data that is already public through steam's api. What is NOT public on the RWSN site is your steam ID, i just use that to keep track of who is who.
    RWSN does check to make sure those logging in has bought Rising World, this is to better avoid spammers, scammers and those who got the game another way.
    Php framework is Laravel 5.2 and using Materialize for the css work, all running on the latest Nginx and MySQL if anyone was wondering.

    I am working on a section for Rising World servers to have a website.
    I am hoping to have VorNet tie in with RWSN soon. Thinking of currency managed in one place. If Player A has 275 RW$ on server A they will have the same amount on server B.
    (I just have to figure out the whole http thing in lua first)

    Other ideas that will be worked on soon is being able to upload your own lua scripts to share.
    Of course i'm always open to ideas for other features too.
    Can also message me about concerns or questions.
    Red51, its your great game, if there is anything you want changed on my site (even to take it down) your welcome to let me know and i will obey ;)

  • I actually pitched the idea with Red to set up a git repository to host all lua scripts. One repo per script and that way we can have better version control. I'm not sure what free visual git web ui is available. I know github uses bitbucket which is expensive. I've maintained older command line stuff such as gitosis in the past for my company's old server.

    Hmmm... Gitorious has its own web ui. that might be a great all-in-one solution. I'm currently running a web server and helping with getting the new wiki up and running. Fixing some issues with plugins and the CSS. I can throw gitosis on my test server and play with it. I was looking for a nice free open source alternative. I also envisioned a blueprint sharing system that could also use Git to upload a blueprint (with version control) to share with everyonw.

  • Right now just to get things up and going all im doing is using Laravel 5 php framework's storage system to save pictures and blueprints to my own server but am also looking into other CDN's for future storage.

    I also just finished writing up a api to convert server data from xml to json.
    The api is a GET to
    Example is… that will show data for my server, according to another post that red replied in with the GET info to servers, i do port - 1 then send the GET request to that ip and port, so the port for mine is 4255 - 1 = 4254
    This is part of the work i did for site hosting for servers which a WIP demo can be seen at

  • nice site but i'm proposing that you make a seperation of sites and servers and put some links to all other sites like the wiki and forum under sites and servers under servers.

    Just a suggestion.
    It's up to you to decide

  • nice site but i'm proposing that you make a seperation of sites and servers and put some links to all other sites like the wiki and forum under sites and servers under servers.

    Just a suggestion.
    It's up to you to decide

    took your advise and made some code changes to support multiple dropdown menu's, the whole main site menubar is database driven, it just makes it easier for me to just add a record to the db for a new page then to type (mostly copy and paste) all that html crap just for a new page. I know lazy but im more of a rapid developer. I also been changing the colour scheme and switched the css framework from google's materialize to twitter's bootstrap 4.

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