We need pretty! As a girly girl, it would be really nice to see pink trees, white trees, purple trees, and blue trees! Thanks for your time and consideration!

Pink Tree's~~~~!!!!
I'm all in for this to add decoration onto the map.
- Sakura (Cherry) Tree:
- Crab Apple Tree (something I have locally):
- Crab Apple Tree (white):
- Purple Trees [Infared]:
- Lilacs (Because I forgot plants can be purple):
For purple trees I'd joke to Red51's desires of wanting a fantasy biome to play around with infrared type colours. Have it be all surreal & visually pleasing. Whenever you're ready, of course. I'd happily welcome the one cherry & two crab trees. Same with the Lilac for when we get the 'garden update' fun
I thought cherry blossom trees were confirmed. But now that I think about it, we got cherry trees in the last update. I hope smome more color variety is still coming.
And update log just hit. looks like we got scaffoldings
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!
Yay!!! Thanks for the beautiful pictures, ArcticuKitsu! You put my thoughts into a jpg! YOur genius!
YES!! We NEED that color variety.It will change the world tremendously.! We love green but not just green
you're very welcome, @ladylightning. We need more variety in leave patterns that I also wanted to line my main roads with red maple trees, or something. Maybe even planning ahead with seasons where trees might alternate that I'd have the second tree for summer & every first one for autumn type thing.
- Maple Tree in autumn.
It's all up to Red51 with how he wants to do seasons, colours on trees, and such. Once we have a stable game also I'd happily make a main road(s) for Arcticu City with this maple tree, or even alternate per season that one season you'd see Sakura trees & another season you'd see maple trees. Even purple Crab Apple trees during the mid summer range. If I can't have red Maple trees then I'd simply go with what I saw in Cuba.
- Royal Poinciana:
The same tree I've seen in Cuba in the 'Varadero' area in the below image. If we can get this kind of big tree in the same size in the game that would be awesome & epic. I'd happily try farming for more that I'd wish & hope it would drop two saplings at a high spawn rate.
There's so many neat things Rising World could add in the nature side
While now ID'ing that tree I saw in Cuba I also came across another naturally purple tree from Cuba again.
- Jacaranda:
Rising World should be beautiful when we're done with it
A beautiful rising world.Lets see what happens!
@ArcticuKitsu, you are soo amazing! Your input is sooo encouraging! I really appreciate your creativity. You put my very idea into jpg form! Thank you soo much!
You're very welcome. Thanks to Vortac I've also been experimenting with maple trees that I'll now carry that back to my main world whenever I can. People blocked me in so I can't build as freely as I want, yet experimenting is something I can still do on my private world. Seeing & being on Vortac's private server with the 'Cherry Blossom lane' is making me desire blooming sakura trees which blooms, as in the image below from 'Flying Witch' ep 4 anime. There's so many beautiful scenes in anime which I can also see done in Rising World. The roadway on Vortac's server needs this, as does our world.
When we get an garden update we'll be going full blown decorative heh. We're desiring the same thing so I'm glad we're hitting the same notes
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