Are better tools planned with which you for example can mine faster?

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  • It only takes a couple of seconds to switch to Creative w/commands and get one-hit mining (tree cutting, etc.)
    We might get a better pickaxe later, but I for one don't think we need a 'drill'.

  • Just so you are aware, in one of the other suggestions, there was a request added to their list was to put technology limits (ie, medieval, moderns, etc.) on a per world basis. I think this will address your desire for restrictions to only low tech, Geneo.

    That being said, I am ok with a couple levels of drill or two to work up to, but I would also like to see a couple steps down too. Especially, would like to see the basic tech not allow you to mine stone at all and you have find some copper along rivers in gravel and rocks on the surface. Get some peet or wood charcoal to actually smelt and make your first copper, then you can slowly start digging for tin, iron, and other metals to improve your pick to bronze, iron steel, etc. I am all about the progression

  • I hear ya.
    I'm all about progression too (copper>bronze>iron>steel), with more durability and efficiency as you move up. It's not just staying in low-tech that I'm worried about. It's that 1) I envision a steel pickaxe just as efficient as a drill would be, and 2) the problem with 'modern' equipment like drills is that they have to (or at least should) be powered either by electricity or compressed air, both methods involving cables/tubing and generators/compressors. But even if it magically just 'worked' all by itself without the need for a generator or compressor (like the modern-looking "white lights" do), wouldn't a drill still have the same 'digging range' that a pickaxe does (1 block ahead of you)? I still think if you want to dig fast, just pop into Creative and get one-hit digging. Can't dig any faster than that.

    I'm not against some 'modern' tools or equipment, it just depends on which ones. (Heck, we already have flashlights that work (apparently) forever without batteries). For instance, I think it would be cool to be able to craft pumps and pipes. You could set the pump up by a stream, river, or ocean, and pipe water for irrigation to your farm (yes, even uphill).
    Or, since we have wind in the game already, how about a windmill (and pump)?

    Why don't we have a rope to descend into holes with instead of falling into them?
    Sorry, went off somewhere....

  • I'm pretty sure more tools will be added in the future - however, as it's only an early-access at the moment, they are focusing on the core mechanics of the game, rather than the amount of items themselves.

  • Well, It looks like they are at least planning to add explosives at some point - I've managed to spawn myself a few sticks of dynamite through the console.

    Hell, they said they were going to go up to a contemporary level of technology. I certainly would not complain if they decided to add bulldozers, road graders, and excavators. *That* is definitely substantial progression there if that's what you want... Expensive machines with intricate parts that require expensive fuel to operate.

  • Well, It looks like they are at least planning to add explosives at some point - I've managed to spawn myself a few sticks of inert dynamite through the console.

    Hell, they said they were going to go up to a contemporary level of technology. I certainly would not complain if they decided to add bulldozers, road graders, and excavators. *That* is definitely substantial progression there if that's what you want... Expensive machines with intricate parts that require expensive fuel to operate.

    I would love machinery like that! That would make a truly complete game.

  • My biggest hope is that either Spore or Archimedes Ships are used as a basis for how vehicles are constructed ^^ (Vehicles are another 'planned' development).

    I would suggest 'Ages' be used as a technological limiter for servers, with additional specific bans available. As I'm the opposite, I want pipes, conveyor belts, auto drills and generators :D Even if I have to write my own mekanism-esque mod. Lua isn't a hard language, and I was slowly rewriting a alternative for Applied Energistics until MC kinda got stale and 'sold out to console demons'.

    Burn in hell Notch.

  • Agreed, I'm all for powerplants, factories, electrical transmission and control systems, programmable digital logic, generators, transformers, switches, and other industrial power, production, and control equipment.

    Being able to engineer and build my own industrial complex would be an *amazing* experience in this game.

    My only request to the developers is that a realistic electrical system is implemented within the game, rather than the weird packet-based systems in most Minecraft mods. Volts, Ohms, Amps, Watts, VA, VARs, etc, rather than Eu, Eu/T, Eu/P.

  • Factories? Bulldozers? Conveyer belts?
    Wow. You guys are envisioning a completely different game than I am.
    Sounds like some of you need to play Space Engineers.

  • There was good reason for that to do with chunk loading and cross mod compatibility. Although I too would prefer a system like that, would really challenge the player if a realistic circuit was required i.e. series/paralleled circuits or voltage restrictions, even suceptablity to the elements water/lightning. Basically the problem was wires leading off into unloaded chunks not powering, overpowering or causing unexplained surges. Ironically, it'd probably use less processing power to keep a chunk containing a wire/machine spot loaded than to have those old 'packet shunting' systems used by BC, ME, TE3 and IC2, because all you need is a variable between the source and target for if supply is true.

  • Factories? Bulldozers? Conveyer belts?
    Wow. You guys are envisioning a completely different game than I am.
    Sounds like some of you need to play Space Engineers.

    There's a lot of ways to skin a rabbit. And a lot of ways to play a voxel. We can all enjoy our way of playing with simple setting restrictions and active modders.

    I play mine like this;

    But I respect and understand where your coming from and how you wish to play it.

  • From my understanding the all the modern lighting will require powers in the future, when they add the electricity to the game. And they have promised free hanging wires for connecting different buildings and such.

    I am hoping that they too don't gloss over the wind/water/mechanical powers, because despite the crude edge, i think Better-than-Wolves was one of the best MC mods for its strong emphasis on these developmental technologies and progression.

  • Just so you are aware, in one of the other suggestions, there was a request added to their list was to put technology limits (ie, medieval, moderns, etc.) on a per world basis. I think this will address your desire for restrictions to only low tech, Geneo.

    Signed up for the forum just to say I love this idea. Haven't played the game yet, but from the vids I've seen etc.. this idea would be great for this game.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I like the idea of a mixed items. In theory, through script or say installed mods, it would give all server hosts the option and the means to decide what type of world (medieval, moderns, steampunk, stone-age, or whatever) they like....

    But I think red said it best:

    In the works :)

    Yes, I think increasing the movement speed makes sense. At least when walking on solid grass-free ground. Rocket jumps would be awesome, perhaps that will work for creative, due to godmode xD

    We can consider something like a jetpack, since we definitely want to feature modern (and perhaps also partly futuristic) elements. Not sure, still far away from something like that^^ But F2 flymode will disappear in survival mode anyway in the future :whistling:

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