Crouch - jumping actually works.

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Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)
  • Just to let you know, pressing crouch and jump at the same time actually gives you a small height boost, like in all source games.
    I don't know how it actually works, but sometimes I managed to reach a height of 2 blocks when standing right next to the blocks, which I couldn't without crouching

  • Standing up after crouching is a little bit buggy currently^^ So the crouch-jump ist theoretically also just a bug :D We can implement something like that if desired, but if not, it will be removed soon ;)

  • Standing up after crouching is a little bit buggy currently^^ So the crouch-jump ist theoretically also just a bug :D We can implement something like that if desired, but if not, it will be removed soon ;)

    Ah I already thought so, because it hardly worked. I think it would be nice to have it, because it just "looks" like you would be able to climb a height of 2 blocks

  • i think we should be able to jump a little higher maybe 2 blocks high or 3? as taking a basic aspect of real life if you cant jump one block something must be wrong with you ;)

  • Athlete have trouble jumping 1 meter(2 blocks) into the air, most records in the vertical unassisted jump are around 1.25 meters (2.5 blocks), and I didn't see any claims that exceeded 1.5 meters(3 blocks).
    The average vertical is 50 cm for males, and that is one block. You can get more clearance by pulling your legs up at the loss of some of the vertical, and then you are crouched not standing on the new elevation. Higher jump capabilities in games is to compensation that they cannot climb something they would be able to in real life.

    A character 3.5 blocks tall and jump of 1 block and an additional arm reach of 1 block, should be able to scale at least 5 block tall wall, with running jump and stepping on the wall could reasonably extend that to 6-5 blocks(3-3.5 meters).

  • Wow technicalities, personally though for game balance I think you shouldn't be able to jump more than 1 block or 2 blocks at most.

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