Several Questions on Starting a Server

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  • Good evening, all! I'm here tonight seeking advice on opening up a semi-private Rising World server for people who watch my videos and care to join in. I'm looking to keep it cheap, simple and secure.


    I've selected GTX Gaming as my server host. They're charging just over $7.00/month and out of the two options I found, they seem like the logical choice.


    The idea is to keep the game pretty vanilla. I would be lying though if I said I wasn't curious about the types of modifications servers can have... For example one server I played on had "teleport tunnels." Basically you would walk though a doorway and get teleported to a new area. How difficult could that be to add?

    Also, when it comes to cheating, how difficult is it to turn off things like flying and use of the command window?


    Security comes in the form of a whitelist. (This is possible to do, right?) I'll be handpicking people to play on this server. If something does go wrong, it'll be due to a select person or group of persons, rather than randos that find me on the server list. Any tips on security would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help everyone! I haven't bought anything yet and if I find out that running a server is way over my head I may just not do it at all. I'm guessing it's no big deal if you've ever hosted another server before. I've put up a few vanilla Minecraft servers in my day, so I'm comfortable with that level of difficulty. :)

  • hi nice idea btw

    for teleportation doorways they are using my portal scrip you can download it from the lua area on the forum just look for portals,

    a white list is a very good way of keeping your server under control, but there is also a option to run the protection script, i also have updated one that lets users add there own friends to an area, a admin is still needed to first make a selected area for a Owner then that Owner can add his friends to his own area or the other option is to make a massive area like 10k by 10k going all the way down and all the way up then just add trusted friends to that one area you could add them as friend or a Owner Owners can then add other friends to that same area. you can view whos been added by typing in chat /showareainfo this will bring up a list of whos been added these scripts go into there own folder inside the script folder, a restart of the server will run them, this is not a cheat or hack they are just added options so wont change any game files.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • yahgiggle's scripts are awesome and works perfectly. got portals and area protection 2.0 running on my server.

    As for running a server, always gotta have admins to help get rid of trouble makers and help players with issues such as the famous furnace bug.

    Running a rising world server through a hosting company like GTX is as easy as getting one for minecraft. pay for it, get the server side plugins you want, play with the configs, start it up and away you go, same with rising world.

    For in game security, always use area protection. It protects people's builds, land, caves and chests.

    For anti-cheating, well flying isnt cheating in this game, its allowed by using F2 if the server has it enabled for everyone.
    In the default.permissions file (in the permissions folder) just add

    fly: false

    then they can't fly.

    Here's my default.permissions file for you and anyone else who wants to prevent new comers from flying and using blueprints but save them for if a chunk unloads.

    btw i have bp's disabled to prevent people from coming to steal other player's work.

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