Posters - How are limits determined?

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  • I'm running a server that is filled with nothing but creative builders! This is a good thing, so don't get me wrong :)

    We all use posters a TON! It seems whenever I change my default limit from 10 to 20, it defaults back to 10. I look in my group permissions file and it's set for 20, log-on to the game, check permissions from the ESC menu, I am allowed 10.
    On occasion I'll place a poster that nobody can see, except for myself. Is this a poster limit issue?

    My question is this;

    What determines the limit? Is it how many posters you have active in the world, or is it by amount of files you have uploaded? Maybe neither!
    Is there an actual in-game limit of posters per player, regardless of permissions, or is it completely up to the server owner?
    I'd like to give the max amount to my trusted builder group, but without a possible performance dip in the server. If it even affects performance. Not sure on that either!

    So really I was just wondering about all aspects of posters I guess!
    Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help :)

  • Only serverowners or people with access to the database can set maximum numers of posters. I think the maximum number of postern is 10000, we have not yet tried. There is no game limit for each player, this is depending on the permissions.
    Too many posters may have some effect to the performance. 10 or 20 posters per player is very little , I would just try it if it really affects the performance . :D
    It can be set up now only 10 posters at a time and then after new log in another 10 and so on.

    On occasion I'll place a poster that nobody can see, except for myself. Is this a poster limit issue?


  • @Deirdre what does permissions have to do with poster limits? My permissions level is builder and I have a limit of 10. I can't add outlets, light switches etc.. The posters are what makes the game feel well realistic as it is a modern game at the moment till the Devil's minions are added in. What exactly determines a poster limit? Why would it reset itself? Is there a specific file path as to which needs modified,saved, rehashed and ready to use? There are various questions a mile long I could type but can you please specify a file path to change these numbers so they may stay and not change, please? Thank you!

    Love Rising world! It is so beautiful that God came down from heaven and said, Red51 you made heaven now let me populate it"

  • what does permissions have to do with poster limits?

    The limitation of maximal posters is not yet tried out. Up to 5k or more, afaik nobody has tried it out with 10k posters on a server.

    You can only change poster limitatian in permissions path "RisingWorld- permissions - groups"
    Save your textfile and restart the server.

    This is the unchanged default permission for example:

    enabled: true
    maxupload: 100
    dimension: 512

    You can deny poster upload, can change size more or less than 100
    change dimension 512, to 1024, 2048 ect.

    We have a limitation of 100 poster per person on our server for instance.
    In single player there are no limitations.

    I would like to show what posters mean to me in Rising World.
    This screen was taken before biomeupdate.
    Posters are a big important part of Rising World. I don't want to pass up. I love posters. :D

  • I would like to show what posters mean to me in Rising World.
    This screen was taken before biomeupdate.
    Posters are a big important part of Rising World. I don't want to pass up. I love posters. :D

    I'm the same way, I use a LOT of posters to help with the detailing!

    I think Arcane was trying to help me out, he's on my server. However, I already know all of what he asked about.
    The thing I'm having the issue with currently, when I do change the limit number, it always stays at 10 in-game. (When checking permissions from the ESC menu in-game). In all 4 of my groups the limit is set much higher than 10.
    I'm going to set all poster permissions to 100 and just see what happens! Mostly, I needed to be sure a lot of posters isn't too intensive on a server, sounds like I don't need to worry much.

    Thank you for all your help! When I tried searching past threads, the only one that could have helped was in German!

  • Currently the poster limit is solely determined by the permissions, as @Deirdre mentioned ;) The maxupload value in the customimages part in the particular group permission is responsible for the max amount (if no group is set, or if the group does not explicitly set this value, the value from the default.permissions file is used instead).
    This value should not reset while playing, maybe that's a bug =O

    When a poster stays invisible after placement it's not related to the limit (if you hit the limit, you won't be able to upload an image at all). Actually that's something that's not supposed to happen... Sometimes it may take a few seconds until the poster becomes visible for other users, depending on the current server load and the internet connection of the particular users (since the image needs to be downloaded by the other clients first).

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