GPS Plug-in for world navigation and self-locating

  • This looks like it will work quite well for our server but I have a couple questions... so upon install the waypoints are disabled right? So this will mean the only working functions are the home and sethome(i hope this is true) The other thought was how does this work with the bed and dying? Lets say I have done /sethome but go out exploring and bring a tent with me and place it down and sleep does it interfere with the GPS's home waypoint?

    Ideally when out exploring way far from home it would be nice to have a temporary camp to respawn at in case of death so items can be retrieved but when all finished exploring be able to hit /home to go home? We don't want wp's enabled because of the possibility of people just jumping to players when not wanted.

    Thanks 8o

  • Just made a pull request on the GIT repository, i hope @Miwarre will see this, as he was not active a long time now... Just fixed some UTF-8 issues.
    I Thought about taking over the Project but i might rewrite a huge Part of it to convert it to a Maven Project that i can compile with my IDE - i'm not sure.

    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • I Just wanted to get this bugs fixed atleast for me but if anyone else is interested in a fixed utf8 version i will add my version in this post.

    You can use your old database file .../plugins/gps/gps2-WORLD_NAME.db just move it to the GPS directory and remove the gps2- prefix (../plugins/GPS/WORLD_NAME.db).
    If you are using windows server pay attention, the directory names may conflict. Best way is to move the gps directory out of the plugin directory and then install my version and copy the db file over.

    You need my shared lib (v0.5.0) to run my version


    If there is a general interest of the community that i take over the project as maintainer feel free to add a like to this post. I may then create an own thread with some more detailed install and upgrade information.

    ## [1.5.0] - 2019-04-06
    ### Changed
    - original plugin converted to maven, merged with oz-boilerplate
    - updated German translation
    - class Msgs removed, now using i18n class from tools
    - class Db removed, now using Wrapper class SQLite from tools.db
    ### Fixed
    - UTF-8 bug from version 1.4.0

    One thing missing in the changelog: The plugin is now true multilingual, the language setting was removed from The player system language is now used to determine the language. So is anyone needs this in his language feel free to translate and send me the translated files, for example ru.properies

    PS: rwgui plugin is still needed!

    PPS: My Source is also available on github


    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • You can Put shared folder in plugins/shared/lib/

    So it is working for all plugins that Need this lib. (My other Plugins for example)

    But If You only use this Plugin, its OK to Put lib into the GPS directory

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