.getStacksize() seems to always return maxStacksize, rather than the actual size of the measured stack.

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  • holding stone and running the following:


    returns 64 (stone max stack size)

    also, with a torch in hand, it will return 8 (torch max stack size)

    seems to be returning what the max stacksize is I.E. what .getMaxStacksize() should be.

  • not sure its an error on my end now, but it seems to still be returning max stack size. (done after the 11/2/2016 bugfix)

    method i made up to get a total count of an item in a players inventory:

  • Well, this is a perfect example of how not to do it: Apparently the bug isn't fixed =O I mean, I swear it was fixed, but somehow this minor change was reverted accidentally with the latest bugfix X/
    Are you developing your plugin in singleplayer or on a multiplayer server? Are you planning to release your plugin shortly? This change requires an update of the server, we want to avoid that (or at least wait if there might be another update necessary in the next days), however, we can release an updated client (and if you're working with the server, an updated server as well), but it would be an optional update (so if you release your plugin before the next update is available, it might not work for everybody)

  • There was neither a push nor a commit between the main update and the small bugfix shortly afterwards (usually I do these things after the updates, after responding in the forums etc., once there is enough time). However, it was my fault that the change was reverted.

  • i'm in no rush to release my plugin, just wanted to make sure the bug was still on the board :P. just been doing testing in singleplayer.
    appreciate all your hard work!

    honestly for now, its not an issue with the rest of my development lol, would just introduce an exploit if i were to release it (at this moment).

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