Editing the journal help

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  • Hi all just after some help with notepad++ now i have never really used this before so sorry if im being a bit dim :whistling: I'm adding information into the journal and would like to place this line into it
    ( http://hostingmasters.co.uk/cl…art.php?a=confproduct&i=0),
    the problem iam having is the end part ( confproduct&i=0)) notepad is seeing &i=0 differently and is showing up in blue which is making the journal not work, is there something i should be doing first????

    Cheers all

  • It's most likely caused by the & character, it's a special character which needs to be escaped (replace it with "&"), so the link should look like this: hostingmasters.co.uk/clientarea/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0

    If it still does not work, please post the full xml here (or alternatively send it via PM) ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by red51: Unfortunately WBB automatically replaced the escaped character (&) with the original character (&). Sorry, didn't noticed that ().

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