Admin Bug?

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  • Hi folks. Looking for a bit of help with admin rights. The wife and i play together on a LAN server and 90% of the time she cant get access to admin rights. I've added her to the file, i add her manually (makeadmin....) on the consol but nothing seems to work. I have got her to uninstall and reinstall the game but doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Since several weeks I also have problems with the permissions.
    You could change the default permissions to same rights as the admin group.
    Or you open a dedicated server.
    That's not the best way, but to reinstall the game is not neccessary. :)

  • Are you using the dedicated server files, or do you start a LAN game by pressing the red LAN button? Permissions don't work properly in LAN mode, so it's recommendable to use the dedicated server files instead. Adding her name to the "" file (to the "admins" key, if you want to put multiple names there, you have to separate them by a semicolon [e.g. admins=yourname;wifename]) should do the trick, as long as "settings_admins_allpermissions" is set to true, she will get full permissions (no need to set up specific group permissions). But remember to restart the server after adding her name to the file

  • Spot on guys... thanks for getting back to me. We worked out that all we need to do is, i "makeadmin" her... she logs off and back on and bingo its done. Btw great game ! :) @red we are just using lan... trying to open the ports with my isp is a nightmare. Happy Christmas and a very very happy new year to all :) Peace and Love.

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