VM Server?

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  • So, I finally got my PC built, and I'm moving onto the next build now and I happen to be in the process of building a home server for some VM testbed/development type things and I'm curious about popping a RW server onto it alongside its other tasks. Does one need a dedicated machine for running a RW server for public access (on the server list), or can one run one on a VM? How about alongside an Ubuntu server running LAMP? Are there any conflicts I should be aware of in that configuration? Is there any reason why one couldn't run multiple RW servers on VMs assuming you had enough CPU and RAM in the system? I read the recommended specs for a server in the forums and the requirements seem pretty light. Is anyone running multiple servers on a single machine using VMs? If so, what are your specs?

    Also, is a 600mbps symmetrical internet speed going to be sufficient? I'm supposed to have gigabit but it never performs to full spec.

    Also, how does one deal with downtime when hosting a public game server? What if I lose power? How does that effect users? I can't promise 24/7 uptime. Is there a manual on how to be a good RW admin? (having never hosted a public server before, I need to know the etiquette and policies)

  • Virtual Machine, a computer inside another in simple terms.

    To answer some of your questions @Phaewryn I think it is a matter of how many people you want to host on your server if your ram, internet, etc. will be sufficient. I use Ubuntu VMs for work so I might try at some point to host a small MP server on it just out of curiosity and let you know how it went. :)

    Then downtime is an important issue if you want to keep your players, in theory you should have none but 1-2 server restarts every 12-24 hours. This is why we rent our server out of a company to ensure that it will run 24/7.

    To be a "good" admin there is no standard playbook. Depends what kind of approach you want to take to the game. If you want a pure survival approach then your admins will be there to set up people's areas and monitor the chat for questions/etc. If you want a more creative approach then your admins will be there also for terraforming for players, possibly spawning items for them otherwise hard to obtain etc. The important thing here is what plugins you will have on the server to make the life of players easier (e.g. gps, areaprotect, pnb and so on)

  • lot of the rental server use vm. On the internet speed that would depend of course on what else was usingthe internet. I have heard of other using linix boxes for servers because they are more secure.. Myself i find it worth the 20 dollars a month to rent a server.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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