Animal Update Discussion

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  • Hey, I started this thread to discuss ideas for future animals since obviously the current animal situation needs some help. I feel like with horses/donkeys/mules and camels, the amounts and types of animals will be sufficient. However, the AI needs some work. For one they need to stay in fences and such. And they ofc need to be able to breed and be trained. Cows could be milked and horses/camels/donkeys would need to be trained to be used under the saddle. Also, when pulling wagons, horses should be faster than cows/oxen, but should get tired faster and unable to pull as heavy loads.

    We also need a way to lead/pull/lure animals... For the large animals, we could make a rope with hemp fibers and then chase down a animal and rope it (my inner Texan speaking) And for the small ones, (chickens, rats, snakes) we could simply chase them down and pick them up. Chickens we could stick into crates to haul on wagons. Also, chickens should lays eggs, which could be used in the cooking update to be fried on a stove (in a pan ofc lol) or added to recipes.
    I am really looking forward to crafting wagons, I hope we can make quite a few different kinds, and I hope they will be crafted spinning wheel/smelter style, not blockbench style.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • pretty much everything you said is confirmed. the idea of animals tiring out and interacting with each other not so sure but its certainly a good idea. We are supposed to get a stamina meter (probably part of a new survival system) so makes sense to extend that to animals as well otherwise bears will keep following you indefinately.

    I read on here somewhere that the blueprints will get updated to become "construction sites" where you add resources before the final form will be created. naturally a gold ingot will no longer be a crafting requirement for a blueprint. i suspect that construction sites will open the door for crafting boats and wagons because those sort of things dont seem like they should be items to keep in inventory. so basically we might get blueprints for crafting boats. again, this is me speculating based on what I know. just seems like the next logical thing to do.

  • Animal behavior in my opinion should be an extensive update with animations for each behavior, visual cues for our hunters to follow. On a programming side I'm sure its complex though as a non programmer I don't really know how complex.

    Basic Behavior
    Sleep (Stamina) If stamina below x = take a nap if no threats
    Eat (Hunger) If hunger below x = eat nearest food / start looking for food
    Drink (Thirst) if thirst below x = find water and drink
    Hoard (Food stashes) Standard behavior for nesting animals like rats and squirrels.

    Prey Behavior
    Run = if threat near
    Defend = if threat hits
    Herd = if another creature encountered of type
    Frolic (Mate) = if both eat same plant at same time? (Not sure on that just picture them prancing around each other)

    Predator Behavior
    Hunt (Stalk) = find prey (that includes us)
    Attack = when prey found
    Pack (For some )= Rats, bats, wolves, that hunt in packs
    Rut (Mate) = I picture the two of them fighting each other with one rolling over and a baby spawning in.

    Domestic Behavior (Player Controlled)
    Follow = It follows you
    Lead (Offspring) = its offspring follow it
    Eat = automatic unless it can't find food in the fence.
    Run = on command or if threat near by
    Guard = even the cows could be trained to gaurd
    Breed (Mate) = the animation for this would be a nuzzle or something i guess.

    This doesn't make a very complex ecology it does however seem like it would be a major pain to program. My basic understanding of programming would revolve around a lot of "if then that" lines which I'm sure would be considered bloated coding.

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