Possible to spawn a world without sand?

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • I have a world that I think I seeded by typing Lake in the seed field. It has mountains, forests, temperate grasslands, and yes, lakes. It also has at least one snow biome. It does not appear to have any savannas, deserts or beaches. I have flown due east for more than 3 game days, what must be the equivalent of thousands(?) of miles. I haven't seen anything but the above forests and mountains. I am convinced the world has only these biomes. Is that possible?

    I though when you generated a world it will make one with all possible biomes, but place you nearest the biome you typed in the seed field. Am I mistaken? :/

    If I need glass, and I do, I guess I will have to "cheat" and just make it in creative. No sand for me. :(

    I should add that this is furthest I have been from base. the further I go the more it seems to lag. Is this common also? I am 37,774 (degrees?) east of my base. So, pretty far.

  • I have a world that I think I seeded by typing Lake in the seed field. It has mountains, forests, temperate grasslands, and yes, lakes. It also has at least one snow biome. It does not appear to have any savannas, deserts or beaches. I have flown due east for more than 3 game days, what must be the equivalent of thousands(?) of miles. I haven't seen anything but the above forests and mountains. I am convinced the world has only these biomes. Is that possible?

    Savannah and desert biomes are indeed extremely rare to find. I would think your world has at least one but you haven't found it yet (bad luck?) :P Also the direction you fly towards doesn't matter it is not like the worlds generate based on some geographical markers/profiles for regions i.e. sand is not necessarily east as in the real world ;) I would try starting from my spawn and then flying in every direction to a distance 15000-17000, there must be at lest one Savannah biome in that circle. ?(

    I should add that this is furthest I have been from base. the further I go the more it seems to lag. Is this common also? I am 37,774 (degrees?) east of my base. So, pretty far.

    PS: a compass can only have 0-359 degrees that distance is in blocks i.e. you have travelled a straight distance of 37774 blocks from your spawn.

  • "PS: a compass can only have 0-359 degrees that distance is in blocks i.e. you have travelled a straight distance of 37774 blocks from your spawn."

    Of course! You're right. I wasn't sure what to call it. but Blocks make perfect sense. I will give your idea a try.

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