when will we be able to go to the moon?

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  • so far this game phenomenal and I have very few issues and no issues with game performance. I would like to travel to the moon tho. I'm not asking for multiple planets (that would be awesome) but a trip to the moon would be cool.

  • One of these days Alice; Bam! Zoom! Straight to the moon!

    Anyways personally I like the idea of teleporting between worlds. i have this draft proposal on the API suggestion section I need to finish on seamless transitioning of a player session from one server to another. It should be possible to write a plugin to handle teleporting a player to that other server (assuming there is a trust between those servers and the player is not banned. Then the player's inventory can be transferred and filtered for any unapproved items on the destination. Everything we need is in the API except for a session transfer. or maybe connect/disconnect API calls.

    It's your Stargate, Daniel.

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