I see I'm not the only one having this issue so I'm going to make note that there's this bug that you tend to lose item stacks that you were to pick up. I've lost a stack of paper when trying to figure out how to split it, yet it just outright disappeared. It didn't appear invisible in any empty slots in either the crate or inventory. It just outright vanished. I'm thankful that a stack of paper is easy to make that it wasn't that much of a loss, yet it's something to track down and squash.
This happened when it was transitioning from the crate to my inventory. Maybe it fell on the floor when I logged out and back into my world......WHo knows if it's an MP issue, yet it seems to be a normal issue.
QuoteDJ.Rettich 6 hours ago
Something weird happened to picking up stacks and dropping single items in place. I keep losing the stack Im holding
That person also had that issue, and is why I'm posting because it confirms my issue.