[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • On the other hand I heard rumors that an ingame trading mechanism exists in multiplayer without throwing items around.

    yes trading does exist but it is a bit buggy at times (i.e. items disappear from your inventory and do not appear in the other player's etc.) thus dropping items is a quite common way for me at least to give items to other players. The safest way to trade atm is to put items in a chest and let the other player pick them up.

    I get that you want to make it as simple as possible for everyone but sometimes the simplest is not the best solution as you said. I am curious now what your original thought was and if you could just ask red51 for the methods to make it happen (in the API requests section). ;) think about it.

  • I am curious now what your original thought was and if you could just ask red51 for the methods to make it happen.

    I don't tell the details but it has to do with object placement. For now it is not possible with the API to destroy/ remove an object programmatically.
    In the next couple of weeks @red51 & co. have enough to do (the playermodels preview is awesome!).
    I do not want to slow down the progress for the sake of some new API functions. But after the update I will bombard them with suggestions like no tomorrow! :D

  • Cows, pigs, sheep @ 4, 5, 5.
    Enclosure = 38 x 4 x 19 [4 x 2 non opening grids] This is the final revision of enclosure, after a total of 4 times.

    I started with 20 and 6 escaped leaving 14. Within a time span of a game day and night.
    I replaced 4, for a total of 18. And 2 escaped - repeatedly. Within the time span of a day and night or less.
    I left the total at 14. These 14 have stayed in the pen and seem quite happy. This is the 3rd 'real-life' day and night, no escapes.
    The sheep never escaped.

    This makes me think that it is possible that the number of animals that stay enclosed is dependent on how happy they are in the space provided. crowed them and they leave.

  • This makes me think that it is possible that the number of animals that stay enclosed is dependent on how happy they are in the space provided. crowed them and they leave.

    Sometimes it is crazy how animals can escape.
    I could observe that they seem to have problems with adjacent buildings and mountains.
    When the area around the enclosure is open, they also seem to be happy.
    But it is only a guess...

    All the animals on the following picture are happy where they are. They are still there today.

  • Hi guys, I tried everything I could read here on getting this plugin started on my server but it didn't load the plugin. I am so sad cause the plugin looks so amazing and I ever wanted to have my own pets. Please can anyone help me? The server don't starts the plugin so there will be ne data folder or anything else

  • @FritzHarmann did you extract the zip file to a folder called "animalbreedmaster" and then place that whole folder in the plugins directory on your server? If the plugins directory does not exist just create it.

    Also if you could be more specific with "I tried everything" I could help you more on this (i.e. did you get an error when the server started, did you restart your server after placing the plugin in? etc.) :)

  • No I don't don't got any error. Do I need to place the animalbreed folder into an folder that's called animalbreed folder? or just the files that inside? I just extract the folder from the zip to my desktop and then I put it via FTP onto my server and then I restart the server. I downloaded it new and overwritten the folder and then I deleteted the folder too and put the new download inside thats all I tried I didn't get that thing with the .txt replace .jar thing which machete described at the sub at Server

  • ok no simply extracting the zip would be fine you do not need to create an additional animalbreedmaster folder. What you do need though is to place the animalbreedmaster folder that was created by the extraction in the plugins folder on your server, i.e. not just copy it to the server files and leave it there on its own. If the plugins folder does not exists create it.

    Your filesystem should look like this:
    --->startscript.bat (or .sh)
    --------->.jar file and other files here

  • Sorry I don't know if I understand that right my main language is german. So how do I need to add the animalbreedmaster folder to the plugin ordner. Normally I unzip it at the desktop and then I put the folder into the plugins folder on my server. I gonna test the plugin in singleplayer now. Maybe someone can help me too in German? This would be perfect

  • XD dann sag so :P

    Im Server Hauptordner du musst ein neuer Ordner erstellen der "plugins" heißt. Dann du stellst den "animalbreedmaster" Ordner in dem "plugins" Ordner.

    Schau hier für mehreren Informationen über plugin Installierung: [Übersetzt] Wie installiert / startet man ein Plugin

  • Also ich habe alles genaustens installiert hab den server nach jedem installieren neu gestartet. Hab eben den reloadplugins befehl probiert aber nichts funktioniert. Im Singleplayer funktioniert auch alles. Ich bin langsam echt am verzweifeln. Ich wei? nicht was ich sonst noch machen soll. Und schonmal vielen dank für deine Hilfe bis hierhin wirklich sehr nett von dir. Kann es an java liegen? Vielleicht läuft auf dem Server kein Java? Ist ein gemieteter Server bei gamed.de

  • Das ist wirklich seltsam :/

    Kann es an java liegen? Vielleicht läuft auf dem Server kein Java?

    Kann nicht sein, weil das Plugin in SP funktioniert, und weil das Spiel im Server läuft so java ist da installiert.

    Könntest du ein Screenshot von deinem Server Ordner machen (du kannst auch es bei mir als pn schicken)? dann kann ich vielleicht mehr helfen. Hab jetzt keine andere Idee worüber das Problem sich befindet :/

  • aaah probier mal der "Plugins" Ordern wie "plugins" zu schreiben. (ich meine mit klein "p"). Außer das hab ich wirklich keine Ahnung :/

  • Ja ohne @'Minotorious hätte ich das nie geschafft. Vielleicht sollte man das noch mit in ein tutorial einbeziehen. Den im Singleplayer kann man den Ordner Plugins auch mit großem P schreiben. Oder ist das dann schon ein bug?

  • Sometimes it is crazy how animals can escape.
    I could observe that they seem to have problems with adjacent buildings and mountains.
    When the area around the enclosure is open, they also seem to be happy.
    But it is only a guess...

    I agree that the surrounding area may affect the caged animals. My enclosure backs up against a wall. There is 7 units of space on one side, about 70 on the other. And about 30 on the last side.
    However, I have a well about 4 units away from the wall opposite the walled side. When the enclosure on that side had only a single walls thickness, the cows got into the well often. Thru the wall and ground somehow. I made the wall 3 blocks thick and that seems to have stopped the disappearances. That site is still a wip and that well will be moved soon.
    I think they like the tree by the small hill in the center. They take turns clustering around the tree or atop the hill.
    Like you, I say, this is only a guess....:)

  • @Crodak
    I can't explain why some people experiencing this strange issue. For the most it seems to be working fine (like you). Perhaps this is a server-client related thing. I don't know.
    Is the input box vanishing if she presses the ESC-key or clicks with the mouse outside the box?

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