[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Neue Version: V0.71:

    • Update mit Fehlerbehebungen
    • behoben: wilde Tiere liefen zu Position (0, 0)
    • behoben: null pointer exception beim Entfernen der Gui

    New Version: V0.71:

    • bugfix update
    • fixed: wild animals walking to position (0, 0)
    • fixed: null pointer exception when gui is removed
  • I am getting reports of all animals slipping there leashes and escaping after the owner logs off except elephants and giraffes.

    I tried to reproduce it - with no luck.
    Animals keep their lock status regardless if players logged off or not.

    Note: Under the hood the plugin uses a simple API function npc.setLocked() - it is equal to console command locknpc 1 or 0.
    So it would be possible for something or someone else to interfere with it.

    (you can try it yourself with console command and watch how the name label status text above the animal changes dynamically)

  • I habe no problems with missing animals.
    I'm using "locknpc 1". We're not using the latest update, but I think this doesn't really matters. I think vanished animals certainly have nothing to do with a Plug-in, but that the animals we're not locked.

  • Ok there has been many reports of sheep not feeding . I think it is because the f for shearing and the f for feeding are trying to happen at the same time. it might solve the problem by using a different key to activate feeding and such. Just a thought.

  • Hi, @sharkbitefischer!

    This issue is already old hat! :) This will be resolved by 80 % with the next game update. The problem with both shearing and feeding will be fixed in the next abm plugin update (ETA: after the game update...sooner or later :D ).

    See page 1 of this thread:

    Known issue:

    Sheeps can't be fed properly, will be fixed with the next game update

    and further reading (german only):
    PlayerNpcInteractionEvent und geschorenes Schaf

    By the way: What's up with the leash-slipping animals? Do you have some news?

    animals slipping there leashes and escaping

  • On the leash slipping it seems to happen rarely now but occasionally an animal goes missing.

    I was aware that this sheep thing was an old issue but it just dawned on me that shearing is done with f and feeding is done with f and the 2 may be trying to happen at the same time and jamming things up. I am glad it will be fixed with the next update :)

  • Ok just an update on the animals running off. It is still happening and I am not shure why. Also the recall commands seem to not be working. I have tried to recall the lost animals many times with no results.

    It has just been noticed that for some reason the leash is being turned off on the animals. I don't know what is causeing it but I just had another report that all this player's animals were off the leash and on the move.

    Ok just figured out what is causeing the animals to come off leash
    I used the /abm clearnames command and all animals are unleashed.

  • Oh yes, you are right: using /abm clearnames unlocks all animals! 8|
    This command was supposed to be used once as a fix and will be removed in the next update. Please do not use it anymore.

    I hope this issue has not upset all people too much. (sh*t happens :) or: something is always :D )

    They can use /abm warphome to recall them, but unfortunately they have to leash them again.

    P.S.: Thank you again for your feedback! Very valuable - to track down the remaining issues! :thumbsup:

  • ok but there is another small issue that is poping up and the reason I used the /abm clearname command. The animal names are separating from there bodies by several blocks every now and then and using the command seemed to fix that. Unfortunately it unleashed some of the animals on the server. It seems that more distant areas were unaffected by the command. strange.

    1 more thing I am getting reports of the rabbits being hard to impossible to feed but this might be the players not finding the sweat spot on the side of the animals. I also find that I have had to feed the animals from the flank rather then the front of the animal to get them to eat.

  • Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Namenszug dauerhaft zu unterbinden? Für sich selbst aber nur, nicht für den kompletten Server. Es ist leider so, dass die Npc-Dummies auch als Animals bzw. wilde Tiere gelistet werden und die Namenszüge derselben sind in Städten etwas störend. ;)

  • @Deirdre
    Dauerhaft geht's leider nicht.
    Aber: Wenn diese NPC-Dummies noch den Namen in grüner bzw. gelber Schrift über den Köpfen haben, dann noch aus der Zeit, wo man diese "zähmen" konnte. Dies ist ja mittlerweile nicht mehr zulässig (seit Version 0.60).

    Die einzige Möglichkeit ist, diese NPC-Dummies zu "löschen" (mit der Armbrust z.B. ;) ) und durch neue zu ersetzen (und vorher noch auf die neuste Plugin-Version zu aktualisieren - falls noch nicht geschehen).

    Eine andere Frage: rennen bei dir noch Tiere mit weißer Schrift über den Köpfen rum? Oder ist das kein Problem mehr?
    (Es gab mal eine Version, wo plötzlich alle den Namen in weiß hatten. Danach hatte ich dann ein Workaround eingebaut mit /abm clearnames)

  • @Machete
    Wir haben die neueste Version des Plugins.
    Vielleicht fallen mir auch nur die Npcs mit Schrift auf. Beim Töten müsste ich das invincible wieder entfernen. Ich lasse das jetzt mal so, da man sich ja andauernd umziehen muss, ist Neuerstellung dann aufwändiger. :D

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