Sleep Bug (or is it a feature?)

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  • I think we're all familiar with "sleeping the night away". That is, if you (or all of you in multiplayer) hop into a bed or tent when the sun goes down, you fall asleep and then wake up a few seconds later and it's morning. But I noticed something today that I wasn't aware of --

    If you take a quick nap in the bed/tent anytime during the day and wake yourself up (escape key) about 5 or so seconds later, the time hasn't changed, but you have now "pre-slept" the coming night away. Now when nighttime comes, morning happens immediately, whether you're anywhere near your bed or not. In fact, you can jump back into bed immediately after the sun pops up, and the same thing will happen that night.

    I've tried it on 3 servers and in single player. Happens every time.

    Maybe I'm slow and this "feature" is known to everyone else but me. I'm always the last one to find out. :/

  • I've experienced the waking up with no time passing when hitting the escape key but never the skipping of the night time.

    I've only used the escape key a few times. We need a PM or AM setting on the clock so we can tell when it's getting night time before the sun starts setting.

  • @Harv
    ArcticuKitsu and I re-created this issue yesterday except we both slept during the night period. He initially slept after sunset and messaged me to do the same. However, I missed the message so he eventually gave up waiting. A few minutes later I saw the message and slept while he was not. The night passed.

  • So whattya think, Fox? Bug or feature?

    @littlecats I agree about the AM/PM indicator, or maybe a 24-hour clock. When I really need to know, I use the debug screen (F3). It shows the time-of-day (TOD) near the lower right, and it's a 24-hour decimal clock. 8)

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