There is really no reason it would stop working as it hasn't been updated or anything but if you want to try that simply delete the Portals.jar file from your server and redownload the one from the first post here, make sure to not delete the database .db file!

I deleted the jar file and redownloaded the one here. I added it and restarted the server. I went on and it still wont work. I got out my list of all plugins I have and the ones that DO NOT work are: Portals, Admin Tools, Last Online and List Players. Even my TAB list has problems like it wont show me until I GPS port someplace. THEN it wont show other players! My server is on PingPerfect. Last week the server went down and they had to replace it or something and ever since THEN, I have issues . Can they have done something to mess it all up? I have been wanting to have my own server here at my home, but the "how to" is written for computer Gods and not for computer infants like me. I have requested if someone would be kind to make a "How to" for us novices but no one seems to want to. I'm afraid that if I need to start over, all those beautiful structures on my server will be lost forever.
hmm honestly there isn't a lot they could have done on their side for it to stop working.
1) When you say it doesn't work do you get any errors?
2) If you type in the commands in the chat what happens? Nothing at all?
3) What does your file structure on the server look like atm? Could you post a screenshot?
1) I type in the text box /portal select and nothing happens. I also tried /portal list and nothing happens. I tried even to do /portal create so I can see if it will give an error, but nothing happens. Same with the other plugins I listed. When I hit enter the text just goes away as if I didn't even type anything.
2) Please see answer number
ok thanks that is indeed weird, and all that is in the plugins folder right? "plugins" with small "p" right?
Then inside the Portals folder there is only a Portals.jar and a .db file correct?
I am going to intently try and start a home server. I'm a novice at all the computer "how to" and I am searching for the best tutorial on how to set up a home server. There are some on you tube I follow but when I launch the Rising World dedicated server icon, the command prompt window comes up for a split second then goes away. I was hoping for a GUI type program to make it easy to maintain but I guess there is not. Thanks for all your help Mino.
I downloaded the server files on 11/30 so I have a recent backup. I removed all the folders and just had the Portals folder in the plugins folder. I just added the .jar file and restarted the server. I went on and still no luck. All portals did not work as well. I then re upload the files, and placed them back and now none of the portals work. I dont know if it's me or what. I guess I will need to close down my server. I just paid for December so I guess it ends on jan.1 2021 exactly 2 years from its birth.
When you removed all files and only uploaded the jar it makes sense that your existing portals didn't work as the database file was missing but you should have been able to create new ones. Could you please post a screenshot showing the full filesystem tree? I might be able to spot something out of place then
As well as maybe a screenshot of the exact command you are typing in game?
I reloaded the portal file tree that was working since I added it. Here is a video showing what happens when I hit enter after typing the command:
hmm that is weird, and after doing /portal select if you click on the map nothing happens? no red square appears to select area?
Do you maybe also have the portals script installed on your server that could be interfering?
Nope, Only Area protection is in the scripts. There are a few other plugins that don't work and have stopped only after that server crash.
hmm that is really weird, not sure what to make of it without full access to the server to try things out
Could you please do the following:
0) shut down the server
1) delete the whole Portals folder (make a backup before). The one directly under plugins
2) create a new Portals folder under plugins
3) download the .jar from the first post here and place it inside alone (without extracting it, the META-INF, resources and Portals folders should not be there)
4) start the server again
5) is a folder called assets created with a .db file in it next to the .jar automatically?
I did exactly as requested. The portal.jar did create the assets folder. I then went back on to my server and still no dice.
ok did it also create a .db file inside the assets folder?
oooh it is a pingperfect server, we have had problems with them in the past, you need to contact them and tell them to fix the problem on their end.
I think it has to do with writing permissions and the plugins not being able to write/access on their databases.
And it all started when their server my World is on crashed and they had to replace it.
Minotorious could you please make your plugin available ziped? My antivirus won't let me download it in .jar form
even if I turn it off. sorry.
Minotorious could you please make your plugin available ziped? My antivirus won't let me download it in .jar form
even if I turn it off. sorry.
Huh, weird, let me see if I can add it now
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