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  • Yeah, this video is something that you don't want to see or hear about.

    Wow...... With how vocal I tend to get I'm thankful nobody went that far with me. I've been vocal everywhere I went......... EA games with Battlefield 1942 desiring Canadians in them, Petroglyph games being a silly kid in their community (as a moderator & demoderated after being ganged up on by the community), to venting about how I want to see Canadians properly done in Victory Belles game (an American web game borrowing from a Japanese WW2 web game), to bugging the developers of 'Victory at Sea' about Canadians, and then naturally reviewing 'Victory at Sea' hmm...... Makes me happy with how much I even vented in the Rising World forums that I'm also still in the clear. Red51 could have easily went after me with how much I flipped out about Gema, harassed him for features, and etc. Even the guys over at Victory Belles web game still waiting to get into beta, and etc for publically harming their public appearance for how much we didn't see eye-to-eye on things that I'm seen as a trolling idiot and that the community is a community of Saints with no sins. Tweeting how much we scuffled that I'm labeled an idiot and that we just mix like oil and water. We just can't get along.

    The thing is that if you see me being vocal then just simply jump to the part where I just want to see the game being "the best it possibly can" at that moment. I'm tiring of seeing cookie cutter games, and voids need to be filled when people are capable of doing such.

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