this is a project i started over at Foxbox.
here's what it looks like from above and what the goals is -ish
if you want to help get in touch with me or zfoxfire over at the server, here or Discord
this is a project i started over at Foxbox.
here's what it looks like from above and what the goals is -ish
if you want to help get in touch with me or zfoxfire over at the server, here or Discord
why are your screenshots so dark? we can't see much (I have seen it on foxbox it is quite cool tbh
hope you finish it soonish)
it's night in the photos
take a few new ones when it becomes day then
A handy rule to go by is that if you want to share something then take images during the day. It's much easier to see, and I enjoyed the build when I visited on Foxbox. Nice Wildwest area.
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