Prehistoric Rising World Mod - Work in Progress (Environment Texture Files Released)
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While I work on the models for the different dinosaurs I want to see in the mod, I am working on an idea for creating a new way of playing Rising World where you no longer use modern day tools and weapons and are limited to..... well.... prehistoric tools and weapons.
I am first looking at whether I can access the crafting area so I can add the news tools for example and specify how to craft them.
For example, making a lamp for use in a cave would require a stone with a hollowed depression in it within which you would place animal fat. A wick would also need to be created by creating cordage from the bark you have stripped from the side of a tree.
Hopefully I may find access to the data which specifies what resources you find when you kill a cow for example..... I want animal fat to be one resource found.
Perhaps even cotton soaked in animal fat would be a good wick to use.
Of course...all of this will depend on whether I am able to mod that part of the game needed for crafting prehistoric tools and weapons.
If I can't craft new items there is an alternative method I can try.
I have started work on the first Prehistoric Item which is being created with the Project Name "Fire".
When you start out in the mod you will want to build a cave to shelter in from the rain and any predators..... Sabre Tooth Tigers are ferocious and you don't want to be attacked by one this early.
To build the cave you will need to build a digging tool.
Because you don't have any way to dig a cave in stone yet..... you will need to create a small cave in the dirt at the beginning.This first digging tool will be created from bark from nearby trees.
When night falls you will find yourself in darkness. The various dinosaurs in the mod will have their sounds. Can you imagine sitting in a small cave in the ground and hear a T-Rex or a Velociraptor nearby.
Your cave has no door?
The Dinosaurs will see you easily?Well you are going to have to build a simple door using leaves and twigs from nearby trees.
You have no caveman clothes?
When night falls you will freeze to death.Better start working out how to discover fire.......
After that you can work out what to do about clothing. Fur seems to be the answer but how to kill an animal without weapons of any kind but a digging tool.
In the Prehistoric Rising World mod it will be a little harder to find water.
The picture below shows a pig making its way down toward a dry river bed. However the pig knows that there is water there which is why it is heading there.
Rather than have the blue water as seen in the unmodded game I am making the water more transparent and muddy in appearance.
When you look down at a valley from a mountain slope looking for water..... you may see a few of these river beds as shown below. However not all of them will have water.
The grass shown in the last number of pictures did not look natural so it has been modded to have a more natural look.
The desert sand has also had a makeover.
Now comes some bad news. You always knew the areas of the game where wild boar might be lurking and about to charge you if you go into the long grass. If you had no weapons you always knew to stay out of the long grass with the yellow flowers on top.
Well the bad news is that the long grass with the yellow flower on top no longer exists in the mod so you may wander into long grass not knowing if you are in danger from a boar or not.
I have done this to try and create a possible scenario where you walk into the long grass and have one or more raptors following you..... as seen in Jurassic World,
In the vanilla game you can from a distance away easily see the bright colors from apple and lemon trees as well as the green of watermelons, carrots and so on.
With the Prehistoric mod these are all now harder to see from a distance and you will need to be close up if you want to see the food is there. This makes it harder to find food.......
Example..... in the picture below you are near an apple tree.
The colors of the environment has now been finalized..... the bright colors you will see in the mod will be some of the dinosaurs themselves.
I will be doing some more testing today......
If all goes well the environment texture files for Prehistoric Rising World will be available for download as a texture pack later today or tomorrow.
I hope you are planning on a way to easily switch between your texture pack and the vanilla pack. It would be nice to be able to play on all servers. I am assuming that this will be multiplayer capable.
I hope you are planning on a way to easily switch between your texture pack and the vanilla pack. It would be nice to be able to play on all servers. I am assuming that this will be multiplayer capable.
To use the Vanilla Texture pack you would remove my texturepack name from the file config.properties.
Its a 30 second change and nice and easy.Concentrating on getting the dinosaur models complete.....then will look at multiplayer.
When fighting dinosaurs sometimes it is better having more than one player. -
I would think so. and cool that it will be that easy to switch. Are you going to have a custome sound pack for the dinosars?
I would think so. and cool that it will be that easy to switch.
To load my textures you would go add my zip file ThePrehistoricAge.zip to a folder called Texturepacks
Then in the file config.properties change the line
custom_texturepack=ThePrehistoricAge.zipWhen you want to go back to Vanilla you would have the line back as
custom_texturepack=None of the Vanilla files are overridden by my mod.
excellent! is it available yet? The texture pack is interesting but what I really am after is the ability to build a Jurassic park on my multi player server. Where players can hunt the dinos. Your idea of restricting the tools can be solved in the permissions files I believe but there will be those of us that will want to use some of the modern tools also. Also in minotorious's server tools there is a ban items function that you might want to take advantage of.
The Environment texture files for the mod are now available for download.
See the opening post on page 1After testing the mod with these texture files I have to say the chances of finding fruit trees are that much harder. No longer will you be able to go to a fruit tree after seeing bright red apples or bright yellow lemons on the tree. Now you will need to find the tree by looking for a tree that looks like a fruit tree and going right up to it.
Now you will need to forage for the fruit and there is now more reason to gather the seeds and grow the fruit trees at your home base.
Vegetables on the ground will be your most likely source of food early game..... but the vegetables have been re-textured as well so you will need to look hard to find them.
Before uploading the texture files I fixed the texture for the rock mountains as the texture was not perfectly seamless.
A note of warning..... the areas with yellow flowers have been replaced. This means you may accidentally go through an area where wild boar are lurking. Keep your eyes open and good luck!
excellent! is it available yet? The texture pack is interesting but what I really am after is the ability to build a Jurassic park on my multi player server. Where players can hunt the dinos. Your idea of restricting the tools can be solved in the permissions files I believe but there will be those of us that will want to use some of the modern tools also. Also in minotorious's server tools there is a ban items function that you might want to take advantage of.
The Environment Texture files can be downloaded from post 1 on page 1.
Instructions are included in the opening post on how to install.The hard part of this mod is creating the dinosaurs and I am already progressing with their models.
fatal errors occur on starting the game with this installed. do we need to remove all plugins to run this?
Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:6144 -D:6144 (Steam)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, MS-16J9, 32684 MB (6407 MB Heap)
VNC Mirror Driver 20080314000000.000000-000
Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 20171017000000.000000-000
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 20180813000000.000000-000
Error occurred while initializing the game
com.jme3.asset.AssetLoadException: Failed to open zip file: Texturepacks/ThePrehistoricAge.zip
at com.jme3.asset.plugins.ZipLocator.setRootPath(ZipLocator.java:79)
at com.jme3.asset.ImplHandler$ImplThreadLocal.initialValue(ImplHandler.java:119)
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.setInitialValue(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(Unknown Source)
at com.jme3.asset.ImplHandler.tryLocate(ImplHandler.java:177)
at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.locateAsset(DesktopAssetManager.java:191)
at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1451)
at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1440)
at az.b.f(SourceFile:259)
at az.b.<init>(SourceFile:158)
at az.a.<init>(SourceFile:237)
at content.Game.initLocalPlayer(SourceFile:3085)
at w.h.b(SourceFile:97)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.jme3.asset.plugins.ZipLocator.setRootPath(ZipLocator.java:77)
... 15 more
java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.jme3.asset.plugins.ZipLocator.setRootPath(ZipLocator.java:77)
at com.jme3.asset.ImplHandler$ImplThreadLocal.initialValue(ImplHandler.java:119)
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.setInitialValue(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(Unknown Source)
at com.jme3.asset.ImplHandler.tryLocate(ImplHandler.java:177)
at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.locateAsset(DesktopAssetManager.java:191)
at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1451)
at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1440)
at az.b.f(SourceFile:259)
at az.b.<init>(SourceFile:158)
at az.a.<init>(SourceFile:237)
at content.Game.initLocalPlayer(SourceFile:3085)
at w.h.b(SourceFile:97)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)When I remove the textures all returnes to normal or should I say disable them in config.properties
Are you starting a new game or loading an existing one?
When I start a new game it loads up with no problem.Also try opening the zip file and make sure it is not corrupted.
just starting up the game I never get to the loby and the game crashes.
zip file says unexpected ending so will try to redownload it.
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