I have a sever Im trying to set up and add some rules and how to use the plugins to the journal. Can any one tell me how to do it cause i seen it done
How do sever owners add Stuff to the in game journal
- twowildandcrazy
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hello. You need to create a file "journal.xml" in your rising world server root directory. you can find an exemple on this topic : Journal.xml location?
ok thanks im just trying to make a really easy going severs for new players and existing player to learn the game better
1 I tried doing that and it not working at all
2 how do u label them on the journal
there is an example in the server root use notepad plus plus to edit
I think he meant notepad++, not wordpad. I'd highly recommend it if you're forced to use Windows.
That is what I said notepad "plus plus" .
Also if you set your language in notepad ++ to XML it will make it a little easier. -
PS migdyn Friend me on steam and I will help you.
@migdyn opps wrong person I was talking to "twowildandcrazy" But if you need help with anything I am kinda of a know it all .
Is it possible that someone could create a alternate journal plugin that server owners can easily update quickly? I cant seem to get the POS. x,Y stuff for the right side pages to fit perfectly. Maybe an easy GUI where we can edit the journals with what you want on the left and right sides. Some of us are really novice to updating and trying to make the text perfect on both sides of the journal and I cant seem to get the right side pages to hold the text in a readable manor. Or if someone has a template to edit for server owners to add their own stuff would be great.
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