Full Creative Mode

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  • It seems to me that the only servers allowing me to use the games full Creative Mode abilities are the single servers: that gets lonesome.
    However, without the terrain tools it is a very tedious proposal to terraform. Without the placement tool, it is not as bad as the terrain tool ban, but still it makes landscaping the finished site a real pleasure.
    I've been looking for info on this and ran across this conversation:


    Minotorious Jun 25 @ 9:06pm
    depends, in our server (Artisan's Realm) we allow parts of the creative mode, e.g. free crafting, 1hit mining/chopping, fly mode. The terrain tools F5, F6 are restricted in most servers because they do no obey the areaprotection script thus people could go around destroying other people's builds.

    Evelevine Jun 25 @ 9:33pm
    Terrain tools are whats most heplful, dang it. They should fix that somehow so it wont interfere with area protect. Ive been to your server, I got eaten by a tiger :( You guys have some great builds on there though, from what I did see.

    Minotorious Jun 26 @ 11:27am
    hahaha yeah they kinda are the most helpful ones, I think the java API includes these terrain alterations in the PlayerWorldEditEvents thus the new areaprotection plugin will be able to cancel them.

    Feel free to come by anytime if you want, unfortunately gm 1 mode is only available to our players after they claim an area so before that you have to bear with survival mode for a bit :)
    Last edited by Minotorious; Jun 26 @ 11:28am "

    @Minotorious This is an from older thread as you can see, but you give me more info than I had, as to why full creative seems to be only on single servers.

    Will you explain this a little more to me? Do you know if the area protection scrip is an original part of RW or a player/dev addon?

    If not an original part of game, have you any idea, or heard, if Red51 will be integrating a similar plan into the game? This I haven't been able to find out either.

    Do you know if the areaprotection scrip has been updated to allow the script to work, to keep site destruction from happening?

    Whatever info. you can give will be greatly appreciated. I love building and hope to be able to enjoy the full benefits of this great game world. But doing my own terra-forming and landscaping without it taking hours of work before I can actually build is a something I'd like to see changed if possible. Meanwhile, single servers get lonesome.

  • Yes that is true we have now changed our ranking system and at 6 days (if I remember it right atm) of playtime every player gets access to the F5/F6 tools as well as to the item/object/spawnnpc console commands.

    Now on your question, the area protection script is not part of the game it is a lua script made by players (yahgiggle if I am not mistaken). We run that script on our server but I believe Silver took that script and changed it to fit his needs for your server so for any more specific questions you should ask him on how it is implemented on your server. The Java API does not yet fully support areaprotection thus no plugin has been created as of yet, this should be fixed with the next update I was told by red.

    Red has said that he might include areaprotection as part of the core game but I think it is low on his priority list for now.

    There are only a few things that can bypass the current areaprotection script, dynamite, the F5/F6 tools, and the blocks when you place blueprints. On our server we haven't had problems so far and considering you need 6 days or so of playtime to gain access to these tools you will think twice before destroying something resulting in a ban.

    Our server has usually 6-10 players online, I am very happy with that and wouldn't consider it a lonesome server :D

  • Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

    I will ask admin for more clarification as to if he has modified it. He is an amazing programmer imo, also very hard to catch due his workload. I keep my question for the admin. and they usually know whats going on and can answer most questions. I also can find answers on RW and various chats.

    It is not essential that I know but,I'm curious. I want to know what the game i'm involved in can do, and why.
    As said, I'm not a programmer, so don't need a full and detailed explanation, just enough to understand what's happening, and a bit of why.

    I have been aware that the area protection was a script (wasn't sure if plug in or script) and not part of the core game. But, I wondered why dynamite and bp's could affect claims-if they were protected. And it makes sense that the terrain tools could also be made to destroy too, although it seems that "their" tools should not work on your claim, unless you've 'added them as friend' to the site.

    As to Red's plans, I do hope that he includes full protection before launch.
    Anyone building on a survival/creativel world would appreciate that. It's a shame to spend a lot of game time working on your claim just to have some troll decide to dynamite Grand Canyon into the middle of your build. Or drop a house on it.

    As the worlds progress and the builds keep evolving, it is a builders desire to protect their builds from wanton destruction. Yes, bps are a good safeguard. But, my one build is too big for1 bp. It takes 4 for the perimeter and 2 more for the central area. Then so far, about 5 for each structure inside. Like putting a jigsaw puzzle back together :) Its all the terraforming that would be a big pita.

    I've watched the dashboard on the site and am aware of the populations of the different servers, and have a fair idea of the rules and play of several of them. Amazing work has been put into so many of them.

  • The thing with dynamite is that once you throw it, it has no owner so the areaprotection script cannot know who threw it and in which area it landed, you could tbh do some fancy calculation but that is a waste of computing power imo so most servers just ban dynamite and problem solved. Also you don't really need dynamite for anything, it wastes resources when it blows the ground up, if you could gather the resources then that would make me rethink dynamite as a viable resource gathering tool and figure out a way to restrict it to player areas.

    Full protection doesn't necessarily have to be part of the game, it just has to be done smartly to safeguard against all threats. For instance there is a known flaw on the areaprotection script but i will not say anything more in public since it can be exploited to mess up other people's builds on servers that use it.

    Yes blueprinting is the best safeguard and I get that huge builds need multiple of them and then stitching together when placed but I would rather do that than start over. I usually blueprint each house separately and then the roads or squares or walls I rebuild from scratch.

    But you shouldn't be afraid of losing any building progress for now red has said that he will convert our worlds to handle all updates and will leave the updates that will require a world reset for the end of the development process.

  • @migdyn this thread is about full creative mode, what does sulfur have to do with that? ?(

  • yes I know and again dynamite has nothing to do with full creative mode which is the topic of this thread...As I said dynamite is banned on most servers because it doesn't follow the areaprotection permissions.

  • I think I would say that full protections shouldn't have to be a part of the game, but there are always trolls/spoilers who can't resist destroying things. And absolutely agree with you. I'd rather try to piece the multiple parts together instead of losing the whole dang build :)

    I'm not really afraid of losing any builds through normal updates and all, as Red is converting our worlds and etc. However, I have seen builds lost through 'glitches'/crashes/you name it. It happens.
    And didn't Red say that when it came time for the final launch he was not sure that that could be done without doing a wipe? I have never yet seen an alpha/beta go to launch without a final wipe, but then Red does have his own way of doing things. So, I make me happy by blueprinting and saving them off the computer, just in case. And keep my fingers crossed on no wipe.

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