Thought I'd spawn this thread to ramble on a bit more while checking out what Rising World may or may not be capable of at a glance........Just seeing what people have built out of that engine, if there's any naval games out there, as well as if I'm intelligent or stupid to tackle it solo. At what I'm finding I think I'll have to piggy back off Red51's talent + any wonderful plugins & side help, and such of other people as I try to see things into existence in some manner......
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I've been loosely wondering if anybody modeled a working AT-ST model for JMonkey, or if (more seriously) someone tackled a WW2 era naval game with that engine.
I can't tell if it's JMonkey engine or not, but I'd love to see something similar to this in general in Rising World. The detailing of the vessel, the turning of the turrets, the firing....... It be perfect with the quality that Red51 puts into the game. It isn't survival, I'm aware..... Just something for ..... Amusement, or something. Territorial survival, maybe..... Having finally played 'World of Warships', missing Silent Hunter 3 type navel freedom, I have to wonder if Rising World could have at least one Z-Class WW2 era destroyer into that game. Thanks to World of Warships I was also inspired into taking a light curious peak into this engine to see what's possible at a glance. It's also because of me wondering if Rising World is on Java or not because of the whole Minecraft mess. Please allow us to have AT-ST's & a German WW2 destroyer in Rising World
I really have to wonder deeply about the vanilla & modding side for this game..... I hope we can do a lot because there's massive voids everywhere for many things to fill that can be done easily in rising World.........