Mass and Encumbrance, Block and structural integrity, Blueprint resources, More interactive crafting, etc

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  • Mass and encumbrance
    Transportation is going to be implemented, right? As far as I know many users want to see massive transports like trains and ships. They would be very redundant if they are just for moving you around, it would be better if they transport larger amount of items than the players can carry. Player inventory could use less slots and number of items to encourage transport uses. It doesn't really make sense that both threads and stones stack up to 64 units so each type of item having different mass would be better in making your own interesting scheme of logistics combining transports because Items having mass naturally means that the characters and vehicles must have encumbrance as well.

    Block and structural integrity
    Structures floating in the sky is not really in tune with the survival aspect of this game. Predators running in circle while you take a break on a plank over their head would look really silly and make animals far less dangerous. Getting over to the other side of a high place just by placing weak, thin planks all the way there without breaking them isn't fun either. Giving structures the kind of mechanism that 7 days to die has would make the structures and game experience more realistic. Planks and beams should also be able to be made of different materials than wood to give them varying durability and sound when stepping on.

    Blueprint resources
    It doesn't make sense that no matter how big or small the blueprinted structure is, it all costs the same in a game of labor and survival. How about if you place a blueprint, the shade is there but you have to get the right resources to complete and make it tangible like in The Forest. You could also opt to just use gold ingot instead but different number of gold ingots for different number of items used for the blueprint.

    More interactive crafting
    I'd like to have the ultimate blacksmith experience by actually smashing ingots on the anvil with a hammer(To do it consistently, give tools durability too!). For that, a forge as well.

    Seasons, temperature needs, food spoiling

  • These are some great comments! I think I agree with all of them.

    Mass and encumbrance

    Yep, it's coming someday. I completely agree with this. I would LOVE to see storage in RW migrate from numbers in your almost-infinite pockets to being completely physical. What I mean by this is that instead if sticking a forest-worth of trees inside your pockets, you would haul them 1 by 1 over to your wagon. Then you would drive them over to your boat and manually load the logs onto your ship. We could also have backpacks to store stuff in, but hopefully it would be limited to items like medical supplies and food and other small items.


    I also hope that the transportation options will be insanely hard to get. I would hate to start a game off from scratch, and have a boat built within a few hours. I would love to spend days building a boat; it's so much more rewarding that way.

    Block and structural integrity
    Structures floating in the sky is not really in tune with the survival aspect of this game. Predators running in circle while you take a break on a plank over their head would look really silly and make animals far less dangerous. Getting over to the other side of a high place just by placing weak, thin planks all the way there without breaking them isn't fun either. Giving structures the kind of mechanism that 7 days to die has would make the structures and game experience more realistic. Planks and beams should also be able to be made of different materials than wood to give them varying durability and sound when stepping on.

    This would be nice, but I would assume that adding in all that structural stuff would be a killer of a project. Just the blocks probably wouldn't be too bad, but planks and beams? My guess is that those free-floating objects would be next to impossible to get right.

    Blueprint resources
    It doesn't make sense that no matter how big or small the blueprinted structure is, it all costs the same in a game of labor and survival. How about if you place a blueprint, the shade is there but you have to get the right resources to complete and make it tangible like in The Forest. You could also opt to just use gold ingot instead but different number of gold ingots for different number of items used for the blueprint.

    Yep, this has been talked about, and red51 even suggested what you suggest, having a ghost of the blueprint there till you pay it off in resources. Maybe a building-zone thing for bigger projects, where you can slowly add all the materials.

    More interactive crafting
    I'd like to have the ultimate blacksmith experience by actually smashing ingots on the anvil with a hammer(To do it consistently, give tools durability too!). For that, a forge as well.

    Yep, this is being worked on. I think I remember red51 saying that he would try to change/add as much interactive crafting as possible. You can see this in the Grinder, Paper Press, Spinning Wheel, and Furnace.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Transportation is indeed being implemented soon.

    Yeah, the big thing about transport was the whole part where they would carry cargo, something Minecraft's boats failed on. Red51 agreed that we would see storage containers (sacks) on boats, and such. Horses would have saddle bags, and the like. Once wagons are properly animated to behave on terrain we'll also have those, among others. Train are also a big thing that we'll have to see how cargo hauling behaves. I would agree on adding mass into Rising World so we would have to drag trees to an external storage area (Medieval Engineers style) to require wood sleds and such. Horses, among others. Being encumbered needs to be a thing.

    When it comes to transpiration, similar with Daboiye, wanting to have vehicles being treated with high respect so it feels highly special. They are special that they must be treated as such. To craft them outside a crafting station in parts, similar to how it's done in Wurm Unlimited.

    When it came to buildings collapsing on itself Red51 shied away from such with how players would be frustrated. Maybe he'll add it, yet it may be on a heavy filter and such.

    Blueprints shall eventually be survival friendly where you'll need to feed the construction site (with cranes and such) to eventually form them up from small to big sizes.

    There's a lot to look forward to. So much so that the development pipe keeps getting clogged because of it..... :whistling:

  • One point to the block and structural integrity:

    It give no game who structural physic is realistic. Examples like Space Engineers, Medival Engineeers, Empyrion, (new game examples) etc. All this games have a horrible structur-physic. And this list is endless over many games in the past with pseudo-physic.

    Stone have more mass then wood. Wood can only have a maximum size to hold weigt over it and has a massiv own mass, pillars must have a correct weight, height and mass. A bow has not the same integrity then a plane. A dome must have exact mass and structur calculatet, and so on and so on.

    This is a theme of a studium over years. Implement extrem calculation of function, direction, mass and static.
    Rising World base on architecture. When structural integrity implement, then it must have a realistc architektur physic modell. All other is nonsens, or frustating.
    No player will study architekture bevor build. Or be frustatet when will build a idee.

    It gives many screenshot about buildings in the game, that are will all destroyed with a correct physik modell, but there are great bulding, famous ideas.
    Fantasy has no rules - and Rising World give every builder the possibility to do what the own fantasy and creativity give to him or her.

    Some players can better build beginnig with the roof - some of foundation - some with a wall. There were all forced to beginn wiht the basment. Planned every building with exact static calculations bevor build. Will i build a basment afer i build the foundation, every builder have a massiv problem.

    Lets players the freedom to do what they will do. Integrity rules in games are not realistic, there were never realistic, there are a joke and a point of frustration, and the death of creativity.
    Or there are extrem expensiv architecture-programms.

    Rising World is a world of fantasy and ideas - not a real life copy.
    Say an old man that have 30 years of his life to do with the theme architecture, and played a endless mass of physic-based frustrating games. ;)


    Sorry, english is not the language that is my one. But i hope you understand this.

  • Ever time I see see some one talk about forced limits on the game I remind them the games mission statement. " The world can be completely deconstructed without any restrictions. Everything you see can be changed.This is your world, this is Rising World!"

    Besides I have some really big TALL roads that no how would confirm with the law of physics so I would cry if those came tumbling down. ;(


  • 1. Transportation with storage: Agree
    2. Reducing player inventory and stacking values: Highly disagree (I don't want to be forced to use transportation for small amounts)
    3. No floating structures. Highly Disagree. I don't want my design options restricted, and what if I want to build sky city...
    4. Blueprint resources: Agree
    5. Interactive crafting - Blacksmith animation: Agree
    6. Tool durability: Tentative Disagree, this just makes it a pain and a time sink. However I wouldn't mind seeing tools that work faster if built with a different type of smelted metal. If one can reach a tool type that had no durability loss (say Mithril for example) and it also performed faster, then I'd be okay with tool durability knowing that I had something to aim for.
    7. Seasons: Agree
    8. Temperature needs: Agree on condition that temperature needs are for food alone, I.E. Freezer box container. I don't want to have to build an air conditioner in the desert and a heater in the highlands.
    9. Food spoiling: Agree on condition that a freezer box will halt the spoiling process.

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