IMPORTANT: Plugins which use the previous "World3DModel.getScale()" function, the "World3DModel.getTextureScale()" function or the old "Definition.ObjectDefinition" class (which contained a typo) need to be updated in order to stay compatible with the new version of the game!
Changelog 2017-12-24 (Rising World 0.9):
- Events
- [New] PlayerChestAccessEvent
- [New] PlayerPermissionGroupChangeEvent
- [New] PlayerChangeGamemodeEvent
- [New] AddAdminEvent
- [New] RemoveAdminEvent
- [New] ShutdownEvent
- [New] PlayerStartFlyingEvent
- [New] PlayerStopFlyingEvent
- [New] PlayerPlaceVegetationEvent setPlantTypeID()
- [New] PlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent
- [New] PlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent
- [New] PlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent
- [Change] PlayerObjectInteractionEvent now triggers always
- [Change] PlayerObjectInteractionEvent is now cancellable
- [Change] PlayerElementInteractionEvent is now cancellable
- [Change] PlayerPlaceBlockEvent provides getters and setters for multiple block placement
- [Bugfix] getConstructionPosition() (ConstructionEvent)
- [Bugfix] getObjectPosition() (ObjectEvent)
- General
- [New] Ability to play custom sounds -> SoundInformation object
- [New] Chest (representing the content of a chest in the world)
- [New] Vector2f (same as Vector2i, but using float values instead)
- [New] Utils.GeneralUtils.getUnixTimestamp()
- [Change] Renamed Definition.ObjectDefiniton to Definition.ObjectDefinition (!)
- [Bugfix] Fixed exception while reloading plugins when using "Threaded" EventMethod
- Player
- [New] playSound() to play custom sounds (see SoundInformation object)
- [New] isConnected()
- [New] setOption()
- [New] setPermissionValue()
- [New] enableGameMusic()
- [New] disableGameMusic()
- [New] showMap()
- [New] hideMap()
- World
- [New] getChest()
- [New] getAllChests()
- [New] getNumChests()
- [Bugfix] getAllNpcs()
- Time
- [New] getMoonPhase()
- Timer
- [New] setTask()
- [New] static killTimer()
- WorldElement
- [New] setAttribute()
- [New] getAttribute()
- [New] hasAttribute()
- [New] deleteAttribute()
- World3DModel
- [New] InteractionPreset (Chair, Bed etc) can now be assigned
- [New] Added support for transparency (setTransparencyEnabled())
- [New] setAlpha() and getAlpha()
- [New] setScale(x, y, z) to change the scale along xyz axis
- [New] setTextureScale(x, y) to change the horizontal/vertical texture scale (xy)
- [New] setTextureOffset(x, y) to change the horizontal/vertical texture offset
- [New] getTextureOffset()
- [Change] getScale() returns a Vector3f now (!)
- [Change] getTextureScale() returns a Vector2f now (!)
- Vector3f
- [New] add(), subtract(), mult() and divide() which create new vectors
- Area
- [New] isPointInArea()
- [New] intersects()
- ModelInformation
- [New] getBoundingInformation()
- [Bugfix] Fixed loading of .blend models
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