Problem with PNB since Beta Update

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)
  • Too bad that since the beta update no new items can be generated with the PNB Plugin. The inventory only shows fabric with the note "Missing Image". In old gamesaves, where I still had items created with PNB in inventory, they still work, but even there the error occurs with newly created items. Does anyone have the same problem or an idea how to fix it?

    For the English translation I used the Google Translator. Unfortunately, my English is something out of training. :whistling:

  • Too bad that since the beta update no new items can be generated with the PNB Plugin. The inventory only shows fabric with the note "Missing Image". In old gamesaves, where I still had items created with PNB in inventory, they still work, but even there the error occurs with newly created items. Does anyone have the same problem or an idea how to fix it?

    For the English translation I used the Google Translator. Unfortunately, my English is something out of training. :whistling:

    yes some of the api has changes so i guess the plugin needs to be updated

    i might need to update some of my plugins too but i realy don't see the point doing it till the 0.9 goes fully live because there maybe last minute changes.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • simply use the console commands to spawn the items. N = number you want T = texture you want them in.

    item woodplank N T
    item woodbeam N T
    item woodlog N T
    item window1 N T
    item window2 N T
    item window3 N T
    item window4 N T

    (the windows could also be named windowA, windowB, windowC, windowD can't recall which one of the two names is the spawn command atm)

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