Any way to not display your name above your head?

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  • My partner and I are trying out PvP in our own game (Singleplayer - Friends joining). When we created the game, one of us spawned in, then had 20 minutes of real-life time to walk as far away from the spawn point as possible (we aren't allowing flying or the F3 key).

    We've been playing for a few days now, and I've just stumbled upon a pit with a ladder protruding! EUREKA!

    What I would like to do now, is hide in tall grass, or behind a tree until she comes out of the pit and then try to follow her to her base (which MAY actually be IN the pit?) - however it is very hard to be stealthy with a huge name banner above your head which can be seen from ?miles? away. When I stand on a hill-top, I have to remember to stand against a tree trunk so that the tree's branches obscure the banner (I hope they do, anyway!), but in this case I want to follow her, NOT just stand still.

    Is it possible to NOT display your name banner, as in this instance, it is a hindrance?

  • Is it possible to NOT display your name banner, as in this instance, it is a hindrance?

    Basically it is possible to disable nametags by using permission files, however, there were some issues with permission files in LAN and P2P games earlier, I will have to check that out. But you could try to put the permissions folder I've attached to this post into your game directory (just extract the zip file there) and see if this helps ^^

  • I apologize for the lateness of this post - but your solution worked PERFECTLY! Thank-you very much.

    I'm not particularly computer-lingo savvy, (and I also have a Mac) so I had to figure out what a Game Directory was (for other Mac newbies - it is the Folder named 'RisingWorld'). So I firstly unzipped the that red51 attached above, then I put the resulting folder named permissions into the RisingWorld Folder.

    For others who use Steam and might have difficulty finding this folder, the entire path is as follows (each of the following is a folder): Your Computer (whatever it's named)-->Your Hard Drive (ditto)-->Users-->Your Home Folder (usually your name?)-->Library-->Application Support-->Steam-->SteamApps-->common-->RisingWorld

    [This is on a MacBook Pro using macOS Sierra 10.12.6]

  • Yes you can angriff, easier to set shownametag: false in your default.permissons so you don't need to enter this in all groups. I only show nametags for admins in which case it is shownametag: true

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Yes you can angriff, easier to set shownametag: false in your default.permissons so you don't need to enter this in all groups. I only show nametags for admins in which case it is shownametag: true

    Well I have a class that cant be killed and cant kill so I wanted to tag them on so people understand that they cant kill them. The rest are PVP and your discussion with ZiP showed I was wrong to turn them on only so that people would see their rank. So I just turned on the Suffix in Chat with a different color for ranks/class/groups.

    Do you know what order the program processes. Is it Group first then Default?

  • if the players are in a permission group then the group settings are considered first, if a setting is missing or not specified then the default one takes over. If the player is not in any group then the default group settings take effect.

  • if the players are in a permission group then the group settings are considered first, if a setting is missing or not specified then the default one takes over. If the player is not in any group then the default group settings take effect.

    I remember in a another thread if I turn it on the first priority ie group the turn it off in the second priority default then it would be off. So is it precedence or considerations first. Sounds like precedence determines the sign of the equation. If on first stays on... if off first stays off. If undefined then default sets precedence. If a routine promotes or changes their permissions them during play after receiving precedence of default it will change during play or only at next log in?

    In my case when you first log onto my server I want them not to be killed and their nametag showing for the first hour of play. When they are online a total of 1 hour it will change at that point even while on line without a relog.

  • "In my case when you first log onto my server I want them not to be killed and their nametag showing for the first hour of play. When they are online a total of 1 hour it will change at that point even while on line without a relog."

    I do the same on my server, but I give 'serfs' 3 hrs to weaponize and find land, but do not bother showing their tag (because I don't want them stalked). I disable PVP for the serf group (they cannot kill or be killed) and keep PVE enabled (so they can hunt animals and collect food). After 3hrs, they autorank up to peasant (full pvp) and hopefully they are somewhat prepared by then. :) Even with 3hrs, they barely have enough time and may increase it to 4hrs.

    One issue I have with autorank though, is if I want to lock a player to group ('prisoner' lets say) that has time span set to 0 0 (according to the docs this should lock player to said group), it does not. Only way I can get it to lock, is to type 'reloadplugins' in console then add them back to locked group, and only after then it will stick BUT only until they relog and they will no longer be locked into the group I want them to stay in (autorank takes back over and ignores the group I locked them to, until i reloadplugins and setplayergroup Playername Lockedgroupname).

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • I remember in a another thread if I turn it on the first priority ie group the turn it off in the second priority default then it would be off. So is it precedence or considerations first. Sounds like precedence determines the sign of the equation. If on first stays on... if off first stays off. If undefined then default sets precedence. If a routine promotes or changes their permissions them during play after receiving precedence of default it will change during play or only at next log in?

    In my case when you first log onto my server I want them not to be killed and their nametag showing for the first hour of play. When they are online a total of 1 hour it will change at that point even while on line without a relog.

    default permissions are only applicable to non-admins who are not in any other permission group. If you are in a permission group then the group permissions take effect and the default ones are completely ignored. That is unless the group doesn't have a specific permission set then the default takes effect and if it is not set even in the default then the game defaults take effect.

    If permissions change during the player is online then the player's new permission group is considered from that moment onward, ofc without them needing to relog. This is how my ranking system in ServerTools works too, i.e. changing the permission group of the player mid game (in our server Artisan's Realm that means they get more creative permissions as they play)

    One issue I have with autorank though, is if I want to lock a player to group ('prisoner' lets say) that has time span set to 0 0 (according to the docs this should lock player to said group), it does not. Only way I can get it to lock, is to type 'reloadplugins' in console then add them back to locked group, and only after then it will stick BUT only until they relog and they will no longer be locked into the group I want them to stay in (autorank takes back over and ignores the group I locked them to, until i reloadplugins and setplayergroup Playername Lockedgroupname).

    Never used the autorank plugin as I wrote my own for our server but imo if you want to lock people in a group then set them to that group with the setplayergroup command and don't put that specific permission group in the ranking system so that the ranking system doesn't consider the group at all. :)

  • Quote from Minotorious

    Never used the autorank plugin as I wrote my own for our server but imo if you want to lock people in a group then set them to that group with the setplayergroup command and don't put that specific permission group in the ranking system so that the ranking system doesn't consider the group at all.

    You don't think I tried this already? :D AR appears to override any group I assign players to, and 'autoranks' them according to time spent on server for everyone (except admins). That's when I discovered the following text in the help info for AutoLevel ----> "Example: /addgroup SuperAdmin 0 0 <------ by adding 0 0 the player can be locked to this group" BUT unfortunately that does not work either, unless I use my workaround as stated in my last post, but it only works until they relog. :(

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • oh ok well as I said I have no idea how the autoranking plugin works, I didn't write it to know :D

    but I did write the ServerTools plugin and for that I know for sure that if you set someone to a custom group the ranking system will never change their rank no matter what

  • oK THANKS GUYS. I think it is working the way I want. I am not in the prison business as the is too Reign of Kings and IMHO caused people to quit the game. I guess I need to learn to program but I will leave that for another weekend.

    The server rank program seems to work just fine and with all the notes you guys posted above I think the rank permissions progression thing is working the way I thought. ^^

  • Thanks Minotorious! I am very surprised I have not come across your ServerTools plugin until now. The features seem quite promising and useful, I may need to switch to that not just for autoranking, but the other useful tools you included. I do use your Portals plugin and that has been working great! Thanks again!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thanks Minotorious! I am very surprised I have not come across your ServerTools plugin until now. The features seem quite promising and useful, I may need to switch to that not just for autoranking, but the other useful tools you included. I do use your Portals plugin and that has been working great! Thanks again!!

    I use his servertools but mostly just for weather changes right now. The portals plugin is real fun to use. I have places that if you go into the area you go someplace based on the location such as crossing a bridge that you cannot cross as portal puts you back at the start. It is real fun.

    I hope the some day the devs put in some animations you can do with portals so you can mimic things like doors opening automatically like electric doors at stores or actions by other objects in the area.

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