Is there an eaiser way to ban people without
having to re-boot the sever after i edit blacklist.txt? The old way seemed much quicker and eaiser.

iS There an eaiser way to ban No-good-Niks?
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does the ban console command not work anymore?
it Just Kicks People off for a couple minutes
no the ban command should ban them permanently if you use -1 as the duration
i used -1 they came back. red needs to address this
i used -1 they came back. red needs to address this
O.o that is a serious issue then
banning people doesn't happen often but when it does it is really necessary as they are most times in the process of wrecking havoc on the server...
It's indeed a bug, thanks for letting me know! When banning a player, the UID of the player does not get added to the banlist, so the player can still join. This, however, does not affect old bans (i.e. players which were banned prior the update). We will fix this issue as soon as possible
thanks red
two questions here.
- Where is the banlist?
- Does the person need to be online on your server to ban? What if you have a annoying person that logs off before you can do that?
two questions here.
- Where is the banlist?
- Does the person need to be online on your server to ban? What if you have a annoying person that logs off before you can do that? the world database if i am not mistaken but you can create a separate txt one too.
2. If they log off use the offlineban command instead, you need their UID for it which you can get from your server log
not sure what the offline ban command is. I typed ban then the UID and it said player not found.
What is the difference between banlist and blacklist?
with the player on it would ban playername. I think it requires the player to be online to look up the uid. The easest way to ban someone is the blacklist.text and you just put the uid number in a colum in that and it works
numberthis is all you have to do to black list, and place the file in the main directory of the server.
So you cant add a reason for them to see or time for banning?
not that I know of.
In game open the console and type "offlineban" it works the same way as the simple "ban" command but also for offline players, if you put their UID.
like this: offlineban UID -1 reason
In game open the console and type "offlineban" it works the same way as the simple "ban" command but also for offline players, if you put their UID.
like this: offlineban UID -1 reason
Ok great. I see the comment now, what are the duration units? Thanks
duration is in minutes i think but use -1 for infinite ban
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