Upcoming changes to the game

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  • Good morning everyone,

    I am new to the game and loved it (3 of my friends bought the game too and love it)!!! Is there any place I can see the upcoming changes? I can't wait to have monsters in the Dungeons! :)

    Thank you

  • I'm not aware of any official location that upcoming changes are posted but normally I just follow the activity of @red51 on the forum here and on Steam. Recently he mentioned that there would be one more regular update before we get mounts (horses and saddles). So that's something to look forward to. There are other things planned to be implemented such as trains/minecarts, electiricy, and dungeon monsters and human NPCs (traders and merchants and raiders), and more a more survival feel (tools that break and working armor and susceptibility to weather extremes). So the mounts seem to be the next major thing. not sure when the rest will be. There was a big delay recently on updates as we were waiting on the player models. Once those came back in December, that set the groundwork for lots of other stuff (e.g. NPC players and "monsters" are based on the character models) so I am looking forward to see what the future holds.

    Relevant post regarding the next few updates:

    A list of overall features planned. Not a real roadmap however but it gives a good idea of what the game should eventually become.

  • Basically @zfoxfire already gave a good overview of the next features ;) However, we really need to rework our features-page. It's pretty outdated and doesn't reflect the current state of the game. We also need an overview about the upcoming changes. It's always difficult for us to give precise ETA's, but at least a rough estimation should be possible.

    But as @zfoxfire said, there will be one "regular" / "normal" update soon, then we will fully focus on mounts. Once mounts are in the game, we will work on trains, boats, NPCs and possibly cars.

  • I'm really hoping that any changes such as monsters brought into the game, that attacking can be still be turned off. I see this as an awesome building game. I know there are people calling for this to be a true survival game, but that side of this game does not interest me in the slightest. I love exploring the caves and finding the dungeons.

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