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  • the quantity no, it is not possible yet, but you can set if you want them to exist or not when creating a new world

  • Well, there is at least a new NpcSpawnEvent in the Plugin API now. A plugin creator could override this event, change the resulting npc type id (e.g. if a bear is about to spawn, it could be replaced by a rabbit etc) or cancel the spawn event (preventing the animal from spawning at all). This way it would be possible to override the default spawn behavior and spawn animals based on other factors.

    This is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe someone releases a plugin for that :)

    In the long run, we also want to provide more control over these things in the core game. What do you want to do exactly? Spawn more "aggressive" animals? In this case maybe a basic preset (which determines if you want mainly good, aggressive or mixed animals) would work

  • As per my thread about wanting more challenge, I want to see this too. The amount of sheep you get in your home area makes it trivially easy to acquire raw material for cloth. Yet I don't want to turn off sheep entirely. Maybe the solution is to have an advanced world generation menu where you get finer tuning for these factors (much like ores has now).

    Maybe an optional coyote predator in the normally docile home area would help too.

  • Well, there is at least a new NpcSpawnEvent in the Plugin API now. A plugin creator could override this event, change the resulting npc type id (e.g. if a bear is about to spawn, it could be replaced by a rabbit etc) or cancel the spawn event (preventing the animal from spawning at all). This way it would be possible to override the default spawn behavior and spawn animals based on other factors.

    This is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe someone releases a plugin for that :)

    In the long run, we also want to provide more control over these things in the core game. What do you want to do exactly? Spawn more "aggressive" animals? In this case maybe a basic preset (which determines if you want mainly good, aggressive or mixed animals) would work

    sorry red, i just missed the reply.
    yes, i would like less and less "good" animals...i want to search for chicken, cows etc etc
    and i want more predators....
    less food at all, it's too easy to survive till now....

    i know a lot of people have fun just building, but i like survival..

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