Signs with posters on top of them, the text used to bleed through but not now.

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  • Since the last update or two, signs no longer allow text to bleed through posters placed on top of them. This used to be very nice, as you could make signs with a custom background. Now, the poster hides all text below. Not a serious issue, just had to redo a bunch of signs on our server. Would be nice to have this feature back, even if it was not intended. :)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Since the last update or two, signs no longer allow text to bleed through posters placed on top of them. This used to be very nice, as you could make signs with a custom background. Now, the poster hides all text below. Not a serious issue, just had to redo a bunch of signs on our server. Would be nice to have this feature back, even if it was not intended. :)

    Actually I am of the opposite mindset. If I have a custom sign I do not want the text to bleed through. If you are going to the trouble of making the sign custom you might as well put the text on the poster. I had to set the poster then move the sign a little back to prevent bleedthrough of the ugly sign text fonts. I did not notice this change since my active signs have this offset but it is welcome change if it is true.

  • You are missing my point. I want the bleed through. Makes customization of in game working signs easy to just place a poster over them for a background vs wood grain options we have. I don't want to have to fire up photo shop every time I want to update/change the text on my signs. I think the font is fine. And why place an in game sign when you have custom signs?? Makes no sense why you would have text on the in game signs, or even use them at all, if you need to offset your posters that you place over them. My point was, signs with posters over them do NOT function as they used to since recent updates.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • You are missing my point. I want the bleed through. Makes customization of in game working signs easy to just place a poster over them for a background vs wood grain options we have. I don't want to have to fire up photo shop every time I want to update/change the text on my signs. I think the font is fine. And why place an in game sign when you have custom signs?? Makes no sense why you would have text on the in game signs, or even use them at all, if you need to offset your posters that you place over them. My point was, signs with posters over them do NOT function as they used to since recent updates.

    So we agree to disagree. You need text to execute commands. Maybe a transparency feature might be a compromise. I have to use the lt grey text to prevent the iridescent text from bleeding through.

  • No I did not assume anything. I just said that I preferred it to hide the text. You obviously understand that there are many user types of this game as i do that is why i proposed the compromise for transparency settings. That picture is out of the Server Info in my server Journal.

    I have been testing Aktivesign and Iconomy for Peter on my Server. It works except for the iConomy part has a database initial entry issue. He is expanding it soon be out with an update in mid-July. I understand the need for custom plugins for differentiation and I have been learning plugin programming with several sign command variations of my own. However, with Aktivesign or any action sign the server operator will likely want to hide the text as it can be nonsensical. The text showing through was a problem until discovered the poster offset workaround. With the expansion of being able to change state of objects sign writing will become a thing with me.

  • angriff, all I can say is your responses in this thread are semi off topic and quite ambiguous. Maybe an attempt to buff up your forum stats? Not sure (no offense).

    Why would you place a poster over a sign if you do not want the text to bleed through? Why place a sign at all if this is the case? If you are using the sign as a placeholder then, you could simply reverse the sign and the text would never bleed through (or move the poster out one notch and the text would not bleed through).

    RW always allowed text bleed through of signs onto posters if they are placed directly on signs, up until recently.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • angriff, all I can say is your responses in this thread are semi off topic and quite ambiguous. Maybe an attempt to buff up your forum stats? Not sure (no offense).

    Why would you place a poster over a sign if you do not want the text to bleed through? Why place a sign at all if this is the case? If you are using the sign as a placeholder then, you could simply reverse the sign and the text would never bleed through (or move the poster out one notch and the text would not bleed through).

    RW always allowed text bleed through of signs onto posters if they are placed directly on signs, up until recently.

    Ya that is it Juggarnaut. I want to buff up my forum stats.. .. is offensive even if you say that it is not!!!!

    I did not know that there was a change. You alerted me to it and are arguing to have it back the way you want it. I am ARGUING NOW that i think it should stay or be different with a transparency setting.

    I can imagine you dont want to change all the signs on your server now that their is no bleed through.. but you only think of yourself in this matter. Maybe be a little less Authoritarian.

  • ok ok come on guys relax, you have a different opinion no reason to be mean to each other about it. As I see it after reading this thread there are 3 options:

    • Option 1: We stay with the current system. i.e. Text of signs is not visible through posters placed on them. That means that in order to make a custom sign you would need to add your text on the poster when you create it on an external program. Then to change your text you would need to edit the poster outside the game and reupload it after. It is a hassle but doable.
    • Option 2: We revert to the old system. i.e. Text on signs is visible through posters placed on them. That means that to make a custom sign you only need to upload the background image and type your text on the sign itself. But you can also leave the sign blank and post your poster with the text already on it if you prefer a different font. The disadvantage of such a system is that you cannot have text on the sign and a poster on it and avoid the sign text showing through unless you move the sign slightly behind the poster.
    • Option 3: An Alpha Channel is introduced to the sign text such that you can have text on a sign but with an Alpha value of 0 making it invisible. This way I think everyone is accommodated to do whatever they want with signs and posters.

    @red51 how hard would it be for an Alpha channel to be introduced to signs without destroying all already existing signs?

  • Mino you are always very helpful in more ways than you may know. Thank you so much for a relevant response. Angriff, sorry you were offended, i just felt you high jacked my post a bit, that is all. peace!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

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