The Maze Box

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  • Hello Everyone,
    This is my first upload of a blueprint and also the first (maybe major) project i will be working on. I was hoping to use a few of you as "guinea pigs" ....

    I will start by saying what my intentions are:

    We have all most likely played multiple games involving dungeons with traps, secrets, difficult puzzles, etc. I want to show some of the AWESOME potential RW has by creating a "never ending" maze full of traps, secrets and puzzles.
    The small creation i am sharing today is the first 'usable' attempt (there are many more attempts, i just learned to keep it simple to start). I was hoping a few of you might try to run through my little maze and offer a suggestion - or criticism (hopefully not too harsh). Keep in mind, this was done on a superflat landscape, in creative mode. I have no drawings or maps, this is from my head - i know, scary. It is very simple, but i think you guys might be able to let me know if i am on the right track or not - there will be new parts, puzzles and other clues later as i figure out how and where to put them - hopefully i will be able to use trap doors soon. I am also going to try and impliment the use of manholes and short cut tunnels - once enemy NPC's are ready, should make this very interesting.
    Anyway, enough jibber-jabber...

    The_Maze_Box_2_1534038038.blueprint of the original upload. This is the second version of my maze recreated from scratch with some of the suggestions added. I tried to make it more challenging added some decoration, made it a little longer and more puzzle like.


    Edited 5 times, last by keitha7373: Version 2 of the original upload. This is the second version of my maze recreated from scratch with some of the suggestions added. I tried to make it more challenging added some decoration, made it a little longer and more puzzle like. ().

  • Cool idea will definitely give it a try :)

    Just a small note NPCs when added will most likely not be blueprintable thus i would suggest you upload the world on the forum instead of just the blueprint of the maze if you want people to experience the real deal in the future ;)

  • Maybe test the maze itself through blueprints - via sections like the first one, then when NPCs are added, get a server specifically for the entire build.

    Thank You for trying it, Please let me know what you think.

  • just had a quick run through it, really nice work, love it :D though I couldn't find any chests for hidden treasure in it are there any or should I stop looking? :D

  • Not yet, but i will add some and update the blueprint. I will add Weapons/Armour/Clothes to a couple of hidden chest to make things more interesting. Thank You for the input. I will update the blueprint as soon as i add the chest. I have some space between walls so i can make some hidden areas.

  • oh btw you need to note that items in chests will not remain in them when you blueprint them. So when we download the blueprint we will be able to find the chests but unfortunately they will be empty.

    In the future it is planned for blueprints to include items in chests but the feature is not here yet :/

  • O.K. did not know that, i did add a couple of chest and made it a little bit challenging to get to at least one of them, not sure about the other.

    Updated blueprint is here:

    Follow the First Link - version 2

    Thanks for being so helpful, I hope to continue working on this and make it more and more challenging as the game progresses.

  • realy nice idea - but its too empty its not spooky add some deko, or smaller dark pathways to open the bridges, use traps, spidernet. or play with the portalskript, use posters to foolish visitors

    to let people test it upload the whole world file - this way you can include chest and posters or spawned npc.

    im working on something like this in my world, its not finished but if you want i can show you the entrance to the dungeon in my world, maybe you get some suggestions.
    my world is called : dagolines kleine welt

  • realy nice idea - but its too empty its not spooky add some deko, or smaller dark pathways to open the bridges, use traps, spidernet. or play with the portalskript, use posters to foolish visitors

    to let people test it upload the whole world file - this way you can include chest and posters or spawned npc.

    im working on something like this in my world, its not finished but if you want i can show you the entrance to the dungeon in my world, maybe you get some suggestions.
    my world is called : dagolines kleine welt

    Sure, I'd love to see it. I plan on adding more to this maze as i go, the reason for this upload was to see if it would go over well. Also i did add a couple of chest in the second upload, link is in the post 7 of this page "Added Chest" I will repost the link later today/tonight, i plan on adding more stuff today - maybe expanding and adding some rooms and lighting and such things. The "World" will be 'coming soon' , My plan is to push the maze into a online world where i can add continuously to it - hence, "A never ending maze".

  • red51

    Added the Label Java Version

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