Hello Everyone,
This is my first upload of a blueprint and also the first (maybe major) project i will be working on. I was hoping to use a few of you as "guinea pigs" ....
I will start by saying what my intentions are:
We have all most likely played multiple games involving dungeons with traps, secrets, difficult puzzles, etc. I want to show some of the AWESOME potential RW has by creating a "never ending" maze full of traps, secrets and puzzles.
The small creation i am sharing today is the first 'usable' attempt (there are many more attempts, i just learned to keep it simple to start). I was hoping a few of you might try to run through my little maze and offer a suggestion - or criticism (hopefully not too harsh). Keep in mind, this was done on a superflat landscape, in creative mode. I have no drawings or maps, this is from my head - i know, scary. It is very simple, but i think you guys might be able to let me know if i am on the right track or not - there will be new parts, puzzles and other clues later as i figure out how and where to put them - hopefully i will be able to use trap doors soon. I am also going to try and impliment the use of manholes and short cut tunnels - once enemy NPC's are ready, should make this very interesting.
Anyway, enough jibber-jabber...
The_Maze_Box_2_1534038038.blueprint of the original upload. This is the second version of my maze recreated from scratch with some of the suggestions added. I tried to make it more challenging added some decoration, made it a little longer and more puzzle like.