Building Bugs Prevent Me From Building Effeciently (Or At All)

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • So I would consider myself either an intermediate to expert builder, but far from a master at building. I build masterpieces that make people drop their jaws and go wow. However, with this new update, it's made my ability to build efficiently a pain in the rear and has started double and triple guessing myself and it's taking the fun away from playing this game. Oh and hello by the way! The two bugs that I am referring two are as follows. Please keep in mind that the following happen only when I play online (I only play online and I haven't tried playing in single player and I have tried this on multiple servers with the same results):

    1) All planks and beams will sometimes randomly disappear from my hand for no reason when I'm building, usually after I've been using the <ENTER> /<RETURN> key for modular building and no matter what I do I can't get them to reappear in my hand. The only way to get them to reappear is to reconnect to the server. #HowAnnoying

    2) This is the most annoying one of them all because it causes the most frustration and headaches ESPECIALLY with blueprints! When removing planks and beams with a crowbar or deleting planks and beams with an axe or any other tool, you would think that the appropriate action would result in the appropriate result. But you would be mistaken! About 30-50% of planks and beams that are removed (regardless of what method is used) are actually left behind in the world untouched but appear to be deleted on all clients within the area. However, if all players relog at the same time, they will see a refreshed area and see the undeleted pieces. This is really annoying and makes building very difficult and I feel as if it halts building altogether as it starts to make people second guess whether or not they are actually deleting something. I shouldn't have to relog each time I delete something.

    Hopefully all of that makes sense. Feel free to ask questions, lots of questions, as I want this fixed asap.

  • I have only seen this when a server needs a restart. RW servers should ideally be restarted twice a day to regain performance. Memory Leaks cause all servers to lag eventually, and when they do, you will experience problems like you describe. The server will quit or greatly delay rendering objects in hand. You can try my server and see if it happens there. I could even meet you online to help troubleshoot. On your end, you may want to make sure you have the latest video driver installed for your graphic card, and also latest version of Java 8 to be sure it's not a client side issue on your end.

    A note: A couple players of mine started having rendering problems since the update, I had them both upgrade to the latest video drivers and it has resolved it for them, if it helps any. Good luck

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • All the servers I've played on are set on either a 6 or 12 hour restart. I'll try your suggestions in the mean time. It does seem odd that all of this started with the new update.

  • This is Trizzle, I forgot to log in the other times. I went ahead and upgraded my video card. I realized that there is no Java installed at all on my operating system. Java is a huge security risk that ideally nobody should have installed on their computer if they can help it. Rising World doesn't require it and thus, it's not needed for me to play the game. I'm assuming that Wild Frontiers is your server, just wildly guessing here. You didn't mentioned it. I'll try it out.

  • Java is required, see a paste from this website. Also, seems like the video driver update I suggested resolved your issue? Good to see your PnB test worked on my server!
    P.S. Java is a security risk if you run it in your browser (some sites require it). So just disable in browser. I keep my java 8 up to date, and disabled in my primary browser.

    System Requirements

    CPU2+ Cores,
    e.g. Intel Core i3
    4+ Cores,
    e.g. Intel Core i5
    4+ Cores,
    e.g. Intel Core i7
    Memory4 GB RAM8 GB RAM8+ GB RAM
    Hard drive1 GB free space1 GB free space1 GB free space
    Java versionJava 8Java 8Java 8
    Graphics card1024 MB VRAM, OpenGL 2.1*
    e.g Intel HD 4000
    1024+ MB VRAM, OpenGL 3.0
    e.g NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
    2048 MB VRAM, OpenGL 3.0
    e.g NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
    Operating systemWindows, Linux or Mac*
    *OSX 10.9 or higher, JDK 1.8
    Windows, Linux or Mac*
    *OSX 10.9 or higher, JDK 1.8
    Windows, Linux or Mac*
    *OSX 10.9 or higher, JDK 1.8

    Note :

    If you use a 64-bit operating system, it is required that you have a 64-bit version of Java installed. If only the 32-bit version of Java is installed, it can cause the game to crash.
    Please check if you have installed the correct Java version. Here you can download the latest Java version.
    (when using MacOS, you need the latest JDK instead)
    * The game runs on some OpenGL 2.1 graphics cards, but OpenGL 3.0 is strongly recommended.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • So I went searching for any evidence of Java on my computer VIA online and I found some traces of Java but way incomplete. Whatever I found were small, tiny files lacking in any resemblance of a complete program. It's like Java was either once there then removed or something put those files there for a Java program. Either way, RW seems to be working fine without it.

  • This sounds like some very strange issues =O

    All planks and beams will sometimes randomly disappear from my hand for no reason when I'm building, usually after I've been using the <ENTER> /<RETURN> key for modular building and no matter what I do I can't get them to reappear in my hand. The only way to get them to reappear is to reconnect to the server.

    What do you mean exactly with "disappearing from your hand"? Is the item really gone, i.e. it's no longer in your inventory or no longer equipped? Or is just the plank preview missing?
    Someone experienced an issue related to modular building which caused a plank to attach to a different construction part, is this maybe the same thing that's happening here?

    This is the most annoying one of them all because it causes the most frustration and headaches ESPECIALLY with blueprints! When removing planks and beams with a crowbar or deleting planks and beams with an axe or any other tool, you would think that the appropriate action would result in the appropriate result

    Hmm... what do you mean this issue especially occurs with blueprints? Do you mean that this issue only occurs when trying to remove construction elements which were placed via blueprint?
    How many construction elements does your blueprint consist of?

    Java is a huge security risk that ideally nobody should have installed on their computer if they can help it

    This isn't entirely true: You only have to worry about browser plugins (which are installed separately), this is the only situation where "security holes" actually matter. Web applications (in case of Java, Web Start or Applets) are executed with limited permissions, but due to security holes a malicious app could infect your machine. This also applies to other browser plugins, like Flash ;)

    However, nowadays Java Web Start or Applets aren't used anymore, so in most browsers, these plugins are either disabled by default, or not supported at all.

    Having Java installed on your machine is totally safe. If you execute a malicious program on your machine (no matter if this application is written in Java, C++ etc), the program does not have to abuse any "security holes" to infect your system, since it automatically gains full access to your computer.

    Nevertheless, the Steam Version of Rising World is shipped with a JRE, so you don't have to install it on your machine. Having Java installed on your machine is only a requirement if you run the standalone (non-Steam) version ^^

  • What do you mean exactly with "disappearing from your hand"? Is the item really gone, i.e. it's no longer in your inventory or no longer equipped? Or is just the plank preview missing?Someone experienced an issue related to modular building which caused a plank to attach to a different construction part, is this maybe the same thing that's happening here?

    Great questions! The building preview goes missing. At first I thought it was attaching to a different construction part but if I move far away from the source and try to build again, even toggling modular building, I get the same thing. I get the preview for a fraction of a second then shoots off into the waaaaaaaaaaaay distance, as if you are facing the sky and not the ground or a surface, even though I maybe trying to face a bloody surface.

    Hmm... what do you mean this issue especially occurs with blueprints? Do you mean that this issue only occurs when trying to remove construction elements which were placed via blueprint?How many construction elements does your blueprint consist of?

    First off, so far as I can tell, updating my drivers to the latest version seems to have helped a lot with this bug. The biggest problem I was having was that when placing a blueprint, I would start deleting parts off of it that I wouldn't use. (I really wish you had a way to better select/not select objects to copy or trim down in blueprints) Before I realized what was happening, when everybody thought everything was deleted (random thought, I want a chocolate donut), we would put down another blueprint near by or on top of the other one, depending on what we are creating. It wasn't until something radical happened, like the terrian changed or something that BAM, all that work we did to delete parts of the first blueprint, came freaking back and what stared at me in da face was a garbled mess. HAPPENED TO ME THREE TIMES until I realized what was happening.

    When we place blueprints, deleting objects brings up a risk factor that the objects that we delete won't actually get removed by like 10 fold. This issue has affected many people and it's not restricted to just blueprints. And as for the blueprint in question, it was a spiral staircase that I made... had less than 50 constructables in it, 2 blocks, and was small in size (actually I think it was 70 construbables if you count the handrails).

    This isn't entirely true: You only have to worry about browser plugins (which are installed separately), this is the only situation where "security holes" actually matter. Web applications (in case of Java, Web Start or Applets) are executed with limited permissions, but due to security holes a malicious app could infect your machine. This also applies to other browser plugins, like Flash ;)

    Traruh (True)

  • I get the preview for a fraction of a second then shoots off into the waaaaaaaaaaaay distance, as if you are facing the sky and not the ground or a surface, even though I maybe trying to face a bloody surface.

    Does this issue still persist after the latest hotfix? Previously there was an issue with aiming at certain elements, which caused the game to miss the object under certain circumstances (this would result in the preview turning invisible).

    we would put down another blueprint near by or on top of the other one, depending on what we are creating. It wasn't until something radical happened, like the terrian changed or something that BAM, all that work we did to delete parts of the first blueprint, came freaking back and what stared at me in da face was a garbled mess

    That's strange 8| If all players experience this issue, this sounds like a serverside problem, or a connection issue... as @Juggernaut suspected, things like that typically happen if the server hasn't been restarted for quite some time (at least a daily restart is required), but if you say there is already a restart every 6-12 hours, there seems to be something else going on.

    There is an issue with the "undoblueprint" command though, which leaves behind a few building parts (especially if the blueprint consists of many construction elements), but I haven't seen this issue happening for "regular object removals" (using the good ol' pickaxe or crowbar).

    Can you maybe tell me the IP of the server (you can also send it via PM to me)?

  • Does this issue still persist after the latest hotfix? Previously there was an issue with aiming at certain elements, which caused the game to miss the object under certain circumstances (this would result in the preview turning invisible).

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhh question, when was the hotfix? I can't answer that question until I know when the latest hotfix was.

  • That's strange 8| If all players experience this issue, this sounds like a serverside problem, or a connection issue... as @Juggernaut suspected, things like that typically happen if the server hasn't been restarted for quite some time (at least a daily restart is required), but if you say there is already a restart every 6-12 hours, there seems to be something else going on.
    There is an issue with the "undoblueprint" command though, which leaves behind a few building parts (especially if the blueprint consists of many construction elements), but I haven't seen this issue happening for "regular object removals" (using the good ol' pickaxe or crowbar).

    Can you maybe tell me the IP of the server (you can also send it via PM to me)?

    You bring up something else I wanted to bring to your attention, which may or may not be a server problem or a conflict problem. This isn't related to what we are talking about (sorry about that) but most of the time when I import a medium to large (not huge or massive) blueprint, sometimes after I place the blueprint, the blocks won't show up and I have to have a 2nd person verify if it placed correctly because if I relog to verify myself, the server zero's out my "undoblueprint" command, which is annoying. It's usually the blocks that don't show up or something else. Rarely does everything show up all at once. On small stuff everything works fine but the larger I go, the more problematic it gets. I'm not sure what all that is.

    And sure, I can totally PM you the information you requested. As I mentioned, I play on 2 servers where this has happened on a regular basis.

  • AHA! I think I found the problem! Whenever I use modular building and I "lock" a piece into position and I switch to something else, then switch back, the preview locks an invisible piece back to the old location. If I "Unlock" the piece then POOF, the preview is available again!

  • However, if I don't relog into the server, my preview on all my objects start to degrade and spazz out. It's really weird and odd.

    <EDIT> This I believe the above statement is not accurate. I was mistaking this for placing a preview on top of water, which causes the preview to spazz out.

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