Another very interesting game

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I'm ZaK I take it? haha Cor if anything since my actual name is Cory. I was looking around wondering who the hell this ZaK was lol

    $25 CAD hmm. Well they better not mess it up! lol

    Supershanks, my lord talk about major glitches eh!

    I'm sure they will add things like the rake etc.. I haven't been on their forums in a while but from what I saw, people wanted a lot of what RW offers or plans to offer...

    I've said it before and I'll say again... I want Medieval Engineers for the structural integrity on buildings and the earth!! That makes my mouth water. But alas.. I did not get in on that 24 hour thing. I just can't spend that much time online to catch all this stuff haha.. been playing too many new games recently to even keep track of those lol Dang family and their game time killing tendencies!! lol kidding kidding

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Structural integrity ?
    You wanna talk about structural integrity in a game then you need to watch this buddy, surely will not help
    you face the fact that you missed the 24h window but might just be the best 5 min of your online
    moment today!
    Here you go Cory, simply press "Play" buddy:

  • Cory, they had this stuff in the 1st movie(when the blue guy escapes castle), though no cave building tools were demonstrated, you're right

    Allright then, if everyone is sharing what he finds in this topic, i'm sharing the game I found tonight xD it's called "life is feudal" and you can find out everything about it yourself ;) Looks veery promising

  • Yup they had some of this in the first vids they released. I just haven't been paying attention to Medieval Engineers recently, I can only drool over so many games at once! lol

    Life is Feudal is another I've been meaning to check out haha...

    And yeah.. might as well share stuff here. No real reason not too. :)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Played LIF when it came out and was actually a good game, this game should have came out the same as LIF did
    with a working Kiln & lots of crafting options that we have free at the moment! LIF is far more advance
    then Rising World with the crafting, armor, weapon, battle & all but Rising World will surely have
    a better foundation to go on forwards! What got me off LIF was a bad choice of servers &
    playing the game with a Steam buddy who had too many "Feud" on his own with
    with groups of players he played with in the past....

    Perfect game still do not exist for the ones like me who can live without all the guns & violence in a simple
    crafting game simply because there are not enough of us who like the simple crafting game & it will
    not generate enough income for Devs! I Have war games, i have car games with a G27 Steering, peddles, & Shifters.
    I even have a Dragon game in alpha witch you play a Dragon flying all over and killing little farmers & animals
    all over the fields! The thing i will surely try to avoid coming on in future game will be joining a personal server
    & rely on a single person administrating that server! It is not fair to ask someone to stay online 24\7 and supervise
    his server as we all have or own daily live and can not always be there to update, re-bbot the server when needed
    and for this i will surely go for the games own Server even tho you need to cope with every retards & trouble
    maker out there...

    Rising world is on a good path & yesterday's patch will make the game even better for us who like a little peace
    & quit in a crafting game! Indeed a great thing of not allowing stranger to come trash servers left & right.
    Was even speaking with buddies on the Server we play on to set Spawn inside a Jail cell & leave new people
    on the server in that Cell until they can be released on Bail....

    (This after we had 2 clowns coming in our servers and posting pics of nude chicks all over the streets of our city...)
    Aldo wrongfully funny has Hell, we all have younger kids playing this game too & this can not be ignored at all!

    Anyone here as ever played "Planet Explorer"? Was again looking at it before purchasing "Medieval Engineer"
    and at this point almost regret going with the Medieval choice...

  • @Killem I heard lif had rendering issues? is this true? is it glitchy and choppy? I ask because I've played wurm online which stops you at lvl 20 unless you go premium($91usd a year,no thanks), this game looks like a similar game minus the go premium crap? I'm considering getting it.yay or nay? I also changed my mind about getting midievel engineers until it's a full release sometime in 2016.

  • I am also waiting to see what happens with medieval engineers. I mean I really love certain aspects.. doesn't mean I will like playing it for long. I'm curious about turbo's questions regarding LIF. I'm currently playing Wurm.. although last night I got the damn "oh you're in north america so here are some random disconnects over and over..." then couldn't connect anymore. Was looking forward to building my house and farm damnit!! I was sawing planks!!! lol And I was interested in LIF anyways, just kinda forgot about it until people mentioned it here hehe.

    Planet Explorers is yet another I am interested in: watch the vids. Don't expect a peaceful builder. I actually like what they show of pvp. Excited for this game :)

    Killem, I hear ya regarding morons online... generally teenagers who spend too much time in internet land. Normally it only occurs at school but for some time now they can spread the crap all over the place lol I like your jail idea hehe, although that would piss me off if I joined and got that.. would just disconnect. So you need to filter out the idiots somehow haha which can't be done so... maybe it'll just be a laugh for a day kinda thing lol You on east coast or west there kIllem?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • East coast for Me Cory, & i haven't played LIF since October i believe so i can not talk about the rendering problem or not sorry!
    Bad thing about LIF is that it aint solo player friendly, you must establish within a community & get help from other players
    since you are limited in research ya need to survive! Shit load of options for your Caracter but limited in what they can achieve
    since you can not research all the skill necessary to survive! If ya go for miner you will develop skill for mining, you need log
    to build houses so logger is a must! Food, you need to be a farmer to grow vegetables or eat apples the rest of your life..
    Need metal, iron, gold, so need to raise your forge skill... Main problem is you can only have like 2 skills top ranked
    & need someone close by at all time for the rest! This meaning that a good comunity choice is needed at all time
    & every body need to be online 24/7....
    See where i am going to with this game...

  • haha that is the first video I saw for LIF! Well, seems the devs of that game are shooting themselves in the foot by forcing people to group in such a way. I am in the same boat as turbo, just can't be in game that much so there is little point in getting the game. :S Oh well...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I'd pick stranded deep over subnautica it's further along in features n such. also I picked planet explorers over lif and a few others. it's really a great game so far.

    Yes that's pretty much what I thought. Subnautica seemed to have maybe less emphasis on survival and more on exploration and crafting, not easy to compare from the game descriptions alone.
    Planet Explorers looks very solid and gets a lot of accolades, must admit.

  • I have quit "Gloria Victis" for the same reason i did for LIF, 1 patch & all changed!
    In Gloria Victis you now need to be more then 1 player to go killl the NPC out of
    the security of your village, before you had lots of fun to venture on your own...

  • I've had a look at subnautica. It's interesting but I agree, Stranded Deep is the way to go. Planet Explorers I am tempted to buy now haha but I've just got too many new games recently. Don't know how I will play what I have!

    I just opened Steam and bam! Total War: ATTILA I had totally forgotten about this! And I am so far behind in this series lol sigh...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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