How big are the construction elements realy? Do they get smaller by using magnet?

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  • Hi,
    i figured this out:
    If i place 10 blocks of 0.1 they have together not the lenght of 1. They are together ~ 9.997 long. That is not much, but it makes a small gap.
    If you place the 10 blocks with the magnet, you get a bigger gap: The gap is 0.04 big. So the 10 block are together 9.96 long.
    So the magnet-gap is also visible, if you dont search for gaps.
    I wrote this thread, because it helps to understand how gaps arise.
    The picture shows the 9.96-gap (on the right side of small blocks).

    Edit: Only with modular-buildung 10 small blocks are not so long like a big block. With non-modular-building you build exactly or so, like i explained. Thanks to Minotorious for the hints and explanations.

  • remember you can size down to 0.01 so you can fill in the gaps, not that there should be any to begin with :) also there is the technique of overlapping the pnb to make shure that gaps don't happen. hit rt shift and rt ctrl to lock the plank in place then use the move keys to position the overlapped plank properly. I see you are using the blocks resized. I am not shure you can fill the gaps in with blocks but you can try with pnb sized to the blocks but a little wider then the gap and overlap into the block a little bit.

  • This irregularity results on mathematic inaccuracy. The more pieces the more inaccuracy. I'm no developer so I can't explain why it happens. Sometimes you can find these gaps after updates, although there were no gaps before.
    Best way is to use the grid or Enter.
    I'm using the mathematic messure 1 block = 0,5 m. But this is to get dimensions with which you can build. A block is not really 0,5 m, but it the best measure to work with .

  • Just saw this post, your small gap is probably caused by tiny overlaps in the small woodbeam blocks. Construction elements are not that easy to place without the tiniest overlap :)

  • I am no developer either nor am I very good with maths but I do have a theory. Setp 1 is the lowest I, or the game, can go, and when I finally place the piece, the game is forced to round up or down, offsetting the piece one direction or the other. Maybe if we had smaller increments, the game would not have to offset as much, if at all ?

    But, having said the above, I have learned not to be so picky and not lose sleep over gaps and offsets since they are just part of the game. That, and I use copious amounts of "trim" pieces to hide them.

  • If you want to keep gaps to the minimum then it is better to use "modular snapping" with the Enter key. This way construction elements are aligned directly on one another

  • If you want to keep gaps to the minimum then it is better to use "modular snapping" with the Enter key. This way construction elements are aligned directly on one another

    Not always. I have run into the offset issue even with modular snapping engaged. It happens less when putting planks or beams side to side rather than end to end. But as Deidre stated, it does seem to happen more often with builds with many many construction elements although I have not run into a situation where gaps appear after an update. I do notice that the offsets are more apparent depending on how the light hits them. It seems that when light strikes the "cut" portions of beams or planks just right, they almost seem to light up, or become almost shiny.

  • Just saw this post, your small gap is probably caused by tiny overlaps in the small woodbeam blocks. Construction elements are not that easy to place without the tiniest overlap :)

    For the construction i didnt used the lock/fix-function (Ctrl-Key). I used in first try the "point-with-the-moue-on-surface-of-other-block-method", so that the new block goes to the edge of the old block (so, no lock and also no modular-stuff in this first try). In second try i used the modular-stuff. The results are written in my first comment.
    So the overlap cant be a result of my hands. It is a result of the software/code. I didnt tryed the lock. So i didnt do manual place per change the position by manual pressing the arrow-keys.
    I just write it, because i thought i would missunderstood in this.

    Btw, off course its easy to fill small gaps or to avoid it. But in some situation it causes (small) problems, if you think, that with modular building 10 blocks x 0.1 lenght = 1 lenght
    So i wanted to build a rod/staff. The result/lenght of the rod is dependens of the way you build it: modular or non modular (and also if you use lot of elements [10 blocks of 0.1 are not so long like one block of 1]).

  • Back row (red/yellow) are blocks, Front row (green/blue) are size 1 1 1 woodbeams:

    Small row (black/purple) are size 0.1 0.1 0.1 woodbeams:

    Left side close up you see no gap:

    Right side close up you see again no gap:

  • Hi Minotaurus,
    maybe it is a missunderstandig between us. Because of your last comment i think, that you think that the content of my comment number 1is not right.
    I proofed it all again. All is right. Maybe my bad english causes the missunderstanding. I list my observations, so you can say me the number, of what do you think i am wrong.
    I did not use the grid. I used the Ctrl-key (fix-position-key) only for the first block of each row to get the same start-line. For placing the rest blocks i did not used the Ctrl-key.
    In experiment A i made 4 rows: wooden beam (green, 1x1x10), blocks of block-bench (red-blue, 1x1x1), blocks of wooden beam (green-yellow, 1x1x1, placed non-modular), blocks of wooden beam (purple-black, 1x1x1)
    In the rows with the 1x1x1-blocks i used 10 of it to get a row.
    1. In the first 3 rows are no difference in the row-lenght.
    2. Row 4 (purple-black, modular-built) is shorter (0.05) than the other three rows [picture 5]. --> modular-building makes blocks shorter/causes gaps

    picture 1: overview picture 2: same starting line, sight A picture 3: same starting line, sight B

    picture 4: row-endings, sight A picture 5: row-endings, sight B

    In experiment B i build with blocks (1x1x1) of block bench an U. The space between it should be the length of 1.

    picture 6: overview

    I build in it two rows of wooden blocks made of beams. Each row consists of 10 blocks (each block is 0.1x0.1x0.1). I didnt use the Cntrl-key.
    The lower row is placed non-modular. The upper row is placed modular.

    picture 7: gaps

    3. If i place 10 blocks of 0.1 they have together not the lenght of 1. It is a gap.
    4. Modular building causes bigger gaps than non-modular-building. The gab is ~0.05 long.

    In experiment C i did a non-modular row on a block.

    5. The row is also shorter.

    picture 8: Overview/result of build onto block

    If you get some other result or do you think something is wrong, please tell me and say me the number. So i know exact what you mean. Btw, you can see the stuff at the best server in the world (coordinates: 10044S, 5977W) ; )

    I think the reason of the the same lenght of your miniblock-row with the big block is, that you placed the mini-blocks with the Ctrl-key (fix-position and then place it manual to right position). If i am wrong please tell me.

  • No I fully understand you there is no misunderstanding. :)

    What I am saying is that the way you place the 0.1 blocks causes your gaps, you can place them without any gap as I did in my screenshot above. I place them by aiming with the mouse and hitting right click not using Ctrl or any other key.

    10 woodbeams of size 0.1 0.1 0.1 make exactly 1 block length if placed properly. You are not placing them carefully enough thus you have gaps. :)

    See screenshots below how I replicated your U shaped box experiment:

    PS: if you use modular placement (Enter key) that makes the construction elements snap to each other and overlap a bit so there will always be a small gap there in that case.

  • If you want to have no gaps between your woodbeams, you need to change the width of them. 0.1 x 10 is not block size, because of mathematic deviation and I don't how it's developed. What do you want to build with 0.1 cm? A middle age house walls are mostly 1 m - 0.5 m thick. A modern building wall is near 37,5 cm. The height of a window from the ground is 0.75 - 80 cm, which you can receive with 1 block and a half. I don't know if you're looking for good building measurements or for unterstanding game development. ^^ For example: For a window 1 m width with 3 windows in it, its not possible with normal adjustments, for 0.33 x 3 is not 1 m. That's what you meant isn't it? The reason as I understand is the grid system and the compellingly block system.
    It's hard for me to explain.

  • 0.1 x 10 is not block size

    but 0.1 x 10 is block size as I have shown above you just need to place them very carefully....

  • Hi Minotorious,

    thats surprising of me. I thought it was no variation in the degree of overlaping. I never stop learning.
    Can you explain me where you point the mouse-cusor before you press the build-button? I pointed near the middle of the placed block, but now i know that is not the best way.
    Btw, thanks for answering.

  • Ah no I don't point on the other block, that causes overlaps. I point on the ground next to the block and try to get the next one as close as possible to the already placed one. Sometimes as the game offsets it a bit from rounding errors you need to point slightly next to the already placed block to get them to touch exactly

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