A few suggestions

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Here are a few things I would like to see in RW in the future.

    • Pieces of clothing peek through another. Determining a dominant item would solve this. For example, if you equip pants first and then boots, those boots fully cover the pants and vice versa.
    • A way to pick up all items in a certain area. This could come in handy when collecting wood in high grass.
    • The ability to mirror objects before placing them. Especially doors.
    • Heavy smoke when your food got burnt. (Seems unnecessary but might be also cool for cosmetic effects. I placed a campfire inside a chimney top to create at least a little bit of smoke)
    • Clothing in different colors. I'd personally prefer not to let the player choose that color when crafting it but to obtain those special colored items via treasure chests in dungeons or loot from hostile NPCs. This would encourage me to explore and take certain risks just out of curiosity and the urge to collect.
    • What about mini-quests (like in-game achievements)? My experience is that i missed many options/tools/abilities for a long time and totally freaked out when discovering them eventually. The aim is to encourage players to go through a tutorial on voluntary basis without having the feeling that they're still stuck in the tutorial and haven't got to the real game yet.
    • Cone blocks to be placed on top of the cylinder blocks.
    • The ability to place two ramp blocks against each other.
    • The most important of all: Let me use water at a sink. I'd like to fill my bucket and canteen or drink directly from the faucet. I would even wash my hands after going to the toilet. I promise.

    Two issues I stumbled upon:

    • After mining ores you can place rock to refill those ores and mine them again. Don't know if that is intended.
    • If you grab a stack of items out of your inventory, place one item into a container (without placing the whole stack) and then put the stack back into your inventory, that item magically gets back into your inventory right after leaving the container.

    Thanks for reading and including your community so much in your development. ^^

  • Mirroring doors.... You can use arrow keys to rotate doors.

    A marking on the ground will show the position of the door when opened /closed.

    If you blueprint a door you can even rotate the door to a i. E. 45 degree position and use it for a bunker or basement.

  • I just like to use double doors and it's a bit weird when they open in different directions. Also doors of course were just an example. There are very few objects that would get effected but sometimes a smoker or gramophone fit better the other way.
    And thanks for the clue with the blueprint, I will try that eventually.

  • I just like to use double doors and it's a bit weird when they open in different directions. Also doors of course were just an example. There are very few objects that would get effected but sometimes a smoker or gramophone fit better the other way.
    And thanks for the clue with the blueprint, I will try that eventually.

    You can create double doors

  • Place one door to open the way you want, then place a second door by rotating the door to open by using the right or left arrow keys (no shift). The green arrows show the way the door will open, the strip is placement of door.

  • I just wanted both doors to open into the same direction. So the workaround is to place one door just as normal (closed) and the second door 'open'.
    Looks like this: _ | :D
    If you now trigger the second door it will align with the first one.
    It would be much easier if you could change the green arrow though.

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