Game Crashes and locks up entire computer

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  • There used to be a problem where you would see a white line in the ground and if you crossed it the game would freeze. Now I can see a wide white area across my path when moving. When I see this the game is not loading as I move forward. Does not matter if I am flying or walking, the game cannot keep up with my progress. IF I get near the white line the game just locks up. When it comes back it will often jump back in time in the game.

    I had a similar problem (where the game would not keep up with movement progress) before the update that the game would stall while swapping files to keep up but I changed the paging file from system managed to fixed and made it large enough so it would have a single contiguous file space. That made the game run much smoother prior to this latest update. Do I need to make it larger still?

  • Maybe have a look if there is a file called "hs_err_pid" or "errorlog" in your game directory (if you have the Steam version, you can get there by rightclicking on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files). If there is such a file, please post it here ;)
    Alternatively you could maybe create a report file, to do that, open the ingame console and type "report", then a file called "report" shows up in the game directory. Please upload this file here, or send it via PM to me (or via email to

  • Maybe have a look if there is a file called "hs_err_pid" or "errorlog" in your game directory (if you have the Steam version, you can get there by rightclicking on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files). If there is such a file, please post it here ;)
    Alternatively you could maybe create a report file, to do that, open the ingame console and type "report", then a file called "report" shows up in the game directory. Please upload this file here, or send it via PM to me (or via email to

    Thank Red. I will have my husband find the files for you and send them in a day or so when he has the time. Appreciate the how to very much.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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    • :crazy:
    • :lol:
    • :dizzy:
    • =O
    • <X
    • ||
    • :thinking:
    • :wacko:
    • :/
    • 8)
    • :wat:
    • :huh:
    • :silenced:
    • :wow:
    • 8|
    • :angry:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :hushed:
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    • :saint:
    • :drooling:
    • :love:
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    • <3
    • :!:
    • :?:
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