[SCRIPT] Zcript (Admin tools)

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  • /!\ If you take it from Git or if you just want to help me improve the script, there's now on Git two branch for the project : the master, which's the clean/working/stable version of the script, and a WIP branch, with all the stuff I'm working on for now. Be aware, the script in the WIP branch might not work at the moment you fork it ! Thanks !

    French version :

    Hi there !

    First of all, a big big thanks to h0tw1r3 for his incredible work on his script ! This has been an awesome work-base ! Cheers dude ! Then, a huge thanks to Red51 who answered my questions about the in-game functions, thanks :D

    I'm presenting you Zcript, which is an improvement of h0tw1r3's h0tstuff. All of the command of h0tstuff are packed in, I've just added a few new ones. Here's the list of the functions (with in blue the new ones).

    IMPORTANT : As this is an improvement of the Hotstuff Script, Zcript isn't compatible with HotScript. Indeed, I'm using the same /help command, so, it might create some kind if conflict !

    Logging (to console) :

    • All commands entered / attempted
    • All chat messages with date

    Commands :

    • /ban <player> <duration in minutes (-1 permanent)> <reason>
      Extends built-in by allowing offline players to be banned.
    • /unban <player>
    • /setmotd <message> (admin only)
    • /setwelcome <message> (admin only)
    • /yell <message> (admin only)
    • /last [player]
    • /whisper <to> <message>
    • /help (list the different help you can have : ahelp, zhelp, soon ghelp)
    • /ahelp (all command for admin)
    • /zhelp (all command for regular player
    • /kill <playerID or name> (admin only)
    • /tp <playerID or name> (admin only)
    • /tp2 <playerID or name> (admin only)
    • /pos (return the position of a player with 3 axis : X,Y,Z)
    • /kick <player ID> <reason> (admin only)

    System notifications :

    • player connect (player is connecting)
    • player spawn (player joined the world)
    • player disconnect (player disconnected)
    • player died
    • player banned
    • player killed by admin

    Other :

    • Prefix chat message with player names
    • Colorise messages / chat
    • Date / time prefix for chat and most messages

    No more MediaFire : now, direct download from the LordFoobar global RW repo : https://github.com/RisingWorld…-tools/archive/master.zip

    Updated GitHub (now on the RisingWorld GitHub by LordFoobar : https://github.com/RisingWorld/admin-tools

    Feel free to post evry suggestion in this post.

    For bug reports, please send me a private message, or send it on GitHub.

    I will work on adding more functions soon, some kind of a group management system probably, and more functions as soon as the wiki will be released !

    Enjoy :thumbsup:

  • Everytime I type a command I get unknown command /whisper to player is bugged too unknow command and it seems it dont work (tested on linux root)

  • Did you type the command on the chat or into the game console ?

    All thoose command have to be typed in the chat directly ;)

    Plus, there's a few things I've forgot to mention (compatibility issues mainly) that I'll add right now in my first post ;)

  • when I type /help I get all commands + unknown command at the last line. Every command cause unknow command at the last time. /whisper don't work for me. It does for my friend but he can't see his own send messages.

    I use chat to type commands

  • I've made a quick update since I've found some errors in my tp function. The version now available on GitHub and MediaFire is working fine and have been tested by two different clients, on both Windows and Linux dedicated server. Prana, is it still not working ? :/

  • Glad to ear it :D

    I'm actually working on adding new functions, like a group management system. If you guys got any idea, if you want something to be added in the script, please, tell me so I can think about it and work on it :D

  • I think group features is what a lot of people want but other then that i have no idea...I do have one more idea somehow disable hitting other players like have an option for PVP Protection. Sometimes people
    will just grief and spawn and kill players at spawn none stop until you kick or ban them.

  • I've add a kick function that I haven't test yet since I can't do it alone, however when I try to kick myself, the game is returning me an error, but there's no error on the dedicated console, so I guess this should work fine :D

  • Salut ! :D

    Merci ça fait plaisir à entendre, je suis content que le script fonctionne bien et te soit utile ! j'ai pas prévu d'arrêter pour le moment :D mais en semaine je passe tout mon temps à coder sur un PC au boulot, du coup le soir j'ai pas spécialement envie de coder, faudra attendre le week end pour des mises à jours :)

  • Problem with the teleporting all though it proves to be a handy tool it does seem to conflict with the game. For example if the game glitches out on servers and you are trying to teleport and you realize there are copies of that player you are teleporting to it will teleport to that copy all the time. So either its a bug in the code or a bug in the game code that should be looked at either way. Also I was wondering if it was possible to add a restart function for the server yet because when being an admin on someone else server and it gets buggy or glitched and the owner isn't around it would be nice to restart it.

  • Hi

    First of all, you seem to say that the TP function does work on your server ? I haven't tested the script for a long time (too much work right now :/) but as far as I know, the in-game function I'm using in the script (setPlayerPosition(x,y,z) was bugged at the time I wrote the script. Red told me it would be soon fixed, but I'm not sure it have been yet ? You can confirm me that it is now working ?

    What did you mean by copy of a player ? I don't get it ? There's theorically only one player associated with a name OR/AND an ID, and so only one set of coordinates for each player ? I hardly see how the DB could have 2 entrance for the same given player ? :/

    I'm not sure I could to it with build-in function, but please, feel free to speak with your server's owner, I'd be glad to help you setting up something to deal with this :) (I'm working on S&N Administration ;) )


  • What I meant was if the server is glitched out because it hasn't been restarted in a few days. People will spawn and there would be copies of those players so 1 person will be at there house and the copy at spawn or where ever on the map. So when I type in goto personnamehere I always seem to go to the copy and not the actual player. I have not tried the tp playernamehere command however isn't it similar?

  • Yes, if you use /tp or /tp2 (with id or name), the same function is called, so it wouldn't change anything.
    Well, I'll take a look at this, I'll tell you what's what asap ;)

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